

— LindsMolinari Report User
Stallone with his daughters 7 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
okay but who has the nerve to date these girls? :D
Who would you rather see live? 45 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
well that's just silly. animal testing is very much about the how and why rather than if.
obviously we can't do shit without animal testing, not in terms of developing new drugs but it has to be regulated in a way that prevents animal cruelty.
tl;dr: this add is fucking useless since all it does is makeyou feel guilty because you like teh little rodent too and wouldn't want either to die.
Kudos elephant 15 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
why on earth would a human even think of wanting to kill an elephant? you gonna eat it? mount its head on your wall? make a bed spread out of its skin? is killing an elephant gonna make your small dick any bigger? is it gonna make you seem tough and powerful? fuck's it for except destroying yet another beautiful, super-endangered piece of life on this earth like a repulsive little bitch?
i just don't get it. i don't.
2 · Edited 7 years ago
BFFs 4 ever! 20 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
this is not really a very nice collection of photos. -_______-
Goat baby being born 5 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
looks like a llama...
Zeus' sexual preferences 16 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
actually, minotaur was born to a wife of a king who locked herself into a wooden cow statue and then 'had sex' with one of the king's bulls ... which was a curse bestowed upon her by poseidon who was being petty over the king not slaughtering that specific bull as a tribute to poseidon. so he made his wife fall in love with the bull.
fun story. doesn't involve zeus fucking a cow tho. check your damn facts.
Best job for you 8 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
i would be too if people paid me cold hard cash to spend a few hours standing in line, thinking about wild shit or listening to music or jjust chilling and doing nothing while babysitting their spot in the line for an iphone10 or whatever.
Weight-loss Transformation Comp 21 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
i am fascinated. i mean great for them, i'm happy they lost the weight but i am FASCINATED upon the fact that the human body can accumulate so much fat, GOOD GOD HOW
Meet Brave Baby, Who is not afraid of Fire 3 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
did i mention recently how we as a species most definitelly do not deserve dogs??
Best resignation ever 13 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
why should anyone refrain from degrading the place that pays them when that same place them degrades them??
Uhm, thanks.... I guess 10 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
... the fuck??? ಠ_ಠ
Hermione 4 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
and harry did all that completely by himself, did he. -.- even that patronus was a product of extracurricular efforts his teacher and harry put into practicing.
Scottish twitter is amazing 18 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
have you seen bridget jones shopping for a pregnancy test in what-was-it-switzerland ? :D
Let that sink 8 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
boo hoo selfies are bad, young people are awful -.-
Now THIS I’d watch 2 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
and get him a proper poofy yellow dress this time!
And that's why I go for milk tea 3 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
i have the amazing ability of being affected by caffeine for max 30 minutes. after that - back to half-self-awareness we go.
My school has no Sex Ed not even in Health class 11 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
chlamidya causes eye infections but that's most common in newborns of infected mother that have given birth vaginally.
to be completely honest, your answer was not wrong at all.
I wouldn't hate my job nearly as much if I had a chair 37 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
standing still is not the same as being on your feet running around. standing still is honestly the wrost thing to do and seriously fucks up your body, starting with varicose syndrome, shoulder muscle pain, back pain, etc etc. not to mention it's fucking inhumane to not let people sit at work just cuz. if you're not standing you're not working? says who? goddamn sadists?
Some advice to follow 9 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
because in this capitalist hell of a world leaving your desk immediatelly is totally a thing one can do wtihout any bad and potentionally devastating consequences, right.
haircuts change a person 9 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
personally i always thought crushes were something majorly in your head. doesn't really matter who the person actually is, it matters what you think they are, the image of them you constructed in your head. and you blush a bit thining about them, you tell your friends how cute they are and then it all sort of fades without any actual consequences.
falling in love can have similar traps but it's much stronger and it doesn't let you go out of its claws for a long, long, long, long, long time. the person you fell in love with could dye their hair plum-purple, get a mullet, vote for trump, kick a dog and you'd still, super-irrationally, yearn for them. can't shake it. they could cut your own heart out and make dog food out of it and you'd just go 'hey i have these really expensive spices i bought last week, wanna try, here, take it'. anything where love is involved chews you right fucking up and spits you out a different person. no way you wouldn't get a few scars where love is involved.
Never smash boy's toy collection, you are warned 6 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
oh sure, how does this sound: the other day my friend forgot to return my fave pencil i borrowed her and i "accidentally" killed her for it. didn't mean to but y'know, bitch walked out the door with my pencil. i went temporarily insane and all. wasn't my fault.
The struggle is real 18 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
maybe we should start using the shit for whitening out words as our foundation :/
You are never too old 19 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
cheers, man! well done :D
Responsible adults, pls confirm 9 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
i can confirm that this is in fact not cooking and i can also confirm that it would in fact be vital if primary schools taught children basic survival skills like cooking because i'm fucking sick of these supposed adults who can't cook pasta.
a) it's not that hard
b) HOW did you survive 20+ years on this planet without having to cook a thing at least once
The sound of Pertussis (Whooping Cough). Please vaccinate your children 28 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
the baby is trying to catch its breath, that's what it sounds like. whooping cough attacks can last for 2 to 3 minutes and can literarly make children suffocate because they can't inhale during an attack. it's similar to accidentally aspirating some water or soup or sth, you just can't inhale.