

Professional Shit Poster and Commentator. Short and ridiculous <3
Occasional promoter of tolerance and intelligence.
Layers. Many layers.

— MissCr3ant Report User
It's not my fault I'm absolutely adorable and fabulous 14 comments
mandyfr33gordon · 6 years ago
Ross, come look at this birdie lol!
It's not my fault I'm absolutely adorable and fabulous 14 comments
mandyfr33gordon · 6 years ago
Awww little Carl was blazin!
Goosebumps - Freddie Mercury isn't gone . . . .  23 comments
mandyfr33gordon · 6 years ago
How in the world did they manage to sync their voices so well, I wonder! I've heard trained choirs do not as well as this huge crowd and they nailed it! That was amazing. Thank you for sharing that.
Goosebumps - Freddie Mercury isn't gone . . . .  23 comments
mandyfr33gordon · 6 years ago
Okay! I'm ready. Where is the video?
It's not my fault I'm absolutely adorable and fabulous 14 comments
mandyfr33gordon · 6 years ago
Ooh then what did the cardinal do? Was he happy?
Oralé 21 comments
mandyfr33gordon · 6 years ago
I know the struggle
Oralé 21 comments
mandyfr33gordon · 6 years ago
Oooh noooo
Oralé 21 comments
mandyfr33gordon · 6 years ago
Wtf! :0 Yes ma'am, it sounds like it.
Oralé 21 comments
mandyfr33gordon · 6 years ago
And you say the snake, it literally headed it's way up in there?
Oralé 21 comments
mandyfr33gordon · 6 years ago
What you looking at lol 9 comments
mandyfr33gordon · 6 years ago
Question: If Ben is such a ho, where are all his smash friends? Did anyone ever make a video with any females other than Becky?
Are they edible? 4 comments
mandyfr33gordon · 6 years ago
I thought these were yellow squash.
What you looking at lol 9 comments
mandyfr33gordon · 6 years ago
Same. That's what I came back to say. I just scrolled past this 6 times, and even saw the people, but still didn't realize until now. I'm glad it wasn't only me!
Enjoy some sweet calming night cat 2 comments
mandyfr33gordon · 6 years ago
The scene is calming but that cat never getting out of the road is making me very nervous.
Dumb water 4 comments
mandyfr33gordon · 6 years ago
I thought it meant shaking my head. Now that you mention it, makes a funny sound too though.
2 · Edited 6 years ago
Oralé 21 comments
mandyfr33gordon · 6 years ago
Jessica Rabbit was in a hentai? Are you shitting me?
Saving lives 64 comments
mandyfr33gordon · 6 years ago
I abhor organized religion. It sickens me to think of all the abominations that have been carried out in the name of a character in a storybook. But in order to evolve, we must start learning how to understand one another. Or we will never get anywhere. If I have to be one of the ones to reach out first, I accept that. I will do everything I can to try and understand where people are coming from. I'll be supportive and accepting within reason. Am I going to hang around with judgemental zealots? No I will not. Terrorists? Hell no! But I'm still going to keep trying to have less hate and more acceptance. I'm not going to solve everything in this life obviously but I'm going to do what I can do for those who are ready to awaken.
Saving lives 64 comments
mandyfr33gordon · 6 years ago
Okay I don't see how we got this stuff this confused but I don't think you are understanding 3/4 of what my point was. It seems like you are focusing on one part only and that is that she is accepting of the religious people whom she knows, and that I, in turn, just supported her.
Wat are you telling me right now!? 14 comments
mandyfr33gordon · 6 years ago
*more unconvincing denial*
Saving lives 64 comments
mandyfr33gordon · 6 years ago
@kurama_otsutsuki the reason I am so impressed by what she said is because
1. She's not religious, not even close. This indicates to me that she hasn't been programmed as so many of us are from young childhood. She's not labeling her beliefs, she simply knows what she knows. That's powerful.
2. She sympathizes with those who are religious. This is such a big thing, maybe the biggest thing that mankind needs in order to grow. The absence of acceptance is the cause of seemingly almost all of the bad things going on between humans. Wars, genocide, the Crusades, witchhunts, suicide and more.
3. She went further and showed that she wasn't just parroting pretty words by describing how she accepts and understands them. She not only sympathizes but empathises as well! (I may have spelled that wrong)
4. Then she talked about how humans need to be able to evolve their beliefs as our knowledge grows. Is that not wisdom?
· Edited 6 years ago
Saving lives 64 comments
mandyfr33gordon · 6 years ago
I'm late to this but I have to tell you that what you said right here shows more intellect, compassion, awareness and class than way too many adults that I know. You would make an amazing writer or speaker! I don't mean to call you out or embarrass you, I just wanted to tell you that. It was awesome.
Wat are you telling me right now!? 14 comments
mandyfr33gordon · 6 years ago
Someone on here will know, I'm sure. But I don't even really watch it. I just get a kick out of the memes.
*hits blunt* 6 comments
mandyfr33gordon · 6 years ago