What Europeans think how black friday looks like in America

What Europeans think how black friday looks like in America

Quite a surprise

Quite a surprise

Kitten vs the force GIF

Kitten vs the force

Be safe! Especially if you're lesbians

Be safe! Especially if you're lesbians

Ice Cube Stones - Make your drinks cold without watering it down

Ice Cube Stones - Make your drinks cold without watering it down

"WE WILL FALL, WE WILL- go left you dumbass... WE WILL DIE UP HERE!!"

"WE WILL FALL, WE WILL- go left you dumbass... WE WILL DIE UP HERE!!"

When the lettuce is super green

When the lettuce is super green


same idea with video games

same idea with video games

why am i even going to college

why am i even going to college
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