

My favourite colour is Pink, I love Penguins and my favourite number is 26

— Pink_penguin26 Report User
me everytime 4 comments
pink_penguin26 · 9 years ago
Robin Williams was a brilliant man 3 comments
pink_penguin26 · 9 years ago
I miss him! ❤
me everytime 4 comments
pink_penguin26 · 9 years ago
OMG! ❤❤❤❤ he is AMAZING! Anybody else agree?
This is why I'm terrified of spiders 5 comments
pink_penguin26 · 9 years ago
Ew ew ew I hate spiders!!!!
She waited for 63 years for her husband 14 comments
pink_penguin26 · 9 years ago
I'm crying
Statistics 20 comments
pink_penguin26 · 9 years ago
Lol I'm the other 10%
Adorable argument 4 comments
pink_penguin26 · 9 years ago
Awe so cute
Marry him! 7 comments
pink_penguin26 · 9 years ago
Awe that would be so sweet and funny!
When you see it... 17 comments
pink_penguin26 · 9 years ago
OMG! Haha!
Carved skull of an alligator 3 comments
pink_penguin26 · 9 years ago
Now THAT'S art!
That's a little terrifying 3 comments
pink_penguin26 · 9 years ago
No! Not the snowman!
These holes are the reason people don't walk barefoot in Australia 25 comments
pink_penguin26 · 9 years ago
No no no no!!! Not spiders! *dies in a hole* *sees a spider* ahhhhhh!
When at home, alone and rocking my favorite music 11 comments
pink_penguin26 · 9 years ago
That is totally me but when people r around lol
When at home, alone and rocking my favorite music 11 comments
pink_penguin26 · 9 years ago
I remember that penguin!!!
When your friends don't share your fandom 11 comments
pink_penguin26 · 9 years ago
I have friends.....god :(
Relationship goal 17 comments
pink_penguin26 · 9 years ago
I want that when I'm in a relationship!!!! The feels!!!! Lol <3
Say NO to SAG 11 comments
pink_penguin26 · 9 years ago
Ya u hear that Justin Bieber, Lil Wayne! God pull up ur pants!
Assertion 5 comments
pink_penguin26 · 9 years ago
Seriously sponge bob you are so dumb
Sharing is Caring 4 comments
pink_penguin26 · 9 years ago
Ha ya right! I ain't sharin my chocolate!
Happy new year, guys. Have a good one. 2 comments
pink_penguin26 · 9 years ago
Yes I know right
I can already smell the chocolate chip cookies 8 comments
pink_penguin26 · 9 years ago
Yassssss go grandma
Me too 9 comments
pink_penguin26 · 9 years ago
Don't we all wish we were? She is amazing and has great taste in music. Don't make fun of someone you don't know well enough and in person.
I love these tests. 2 comments
pink_penguin26 · 9 years ago
Mhmmmm you got that right
This kid sure has some skills! 9 comments
pink_penguin26 · 9 years ago
'The Fish Story' seriously? Kids do this at my school
Clueless when it comes to girls 34 comments
pink_penguin26 · 9 years ago
Just ask the girl nicely and sweetly and she'll probs say yes