Seb Gruc


— Seb Gruc Report User
Vice is ****ing dead 20 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
I though they said Sin = Opposite/hypothenuse ?
I will leave now.
You can't win 8 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
My answer to this type of question was always 'Hell no I'm not answering that question, that's obviously a trap.'. A girl with a sense of humor will get it and let it go. And if she insists I'm telling her the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, not sugarcoated or anything.
Teach them early in the relationship not to ask questions that are just gonna make them mad and bring nothing to the relationhsip.
I'd just like to aks you a question 16 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
How about this :
"Hey guys. We are under no curse or anything, we're just gatekeepers trying to feed our family. One of this door leads to salvation, the other to certain death. Your choice. Obviously we know which is which, but since this job gets a little boring at times, we've created a little game for yall fellas : You only get one question to find out which door is which, and one of us will answer with the truth, while the other one will lie."
Basically the gards will follow the rule for liying / saying the truth only for the one question they have. So they can explain the concept.
I hate the term 'friendzone' with a passion 12 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
They make the best wingmans man.... I owe my first girlfriend to my girl best friend. I owe her a lot when it comes to chicks.
Black woman not allowed to sit and have her breakfast with Elvis behind her. 1956. 10 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
I'll say it again, I really don't understand the downvotes on this websites... People seem nice af, and yet everytime someone tries to express an opinion slightly controversial, its an instant red arrow....
God damnit, he clearly stated that he wasn't gonna pretend that 1000 situations as this one happenened and that it was fucked up, just that he wished to know if someone had proof that it was the case in THAT exact situation. (ie : source)
I could post the same picture captioning it 'Black woman standing up to go ask Elvis for an autograph.'... Would I be wrong ? Yes I most likely would. Would you down vote someone asking for a proof that the BS I'm claiming is correct ?
I'd just like to aks you a question 16 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Dont downvote him... The only thing that makes this 'complicated' (which isnt presented here) is the fact that you only get one questions, so you have to ask a questions which both lets you figure out which door you should take. You can't afford to spend your question figuring out which one is true and THEN ask which door to take.
So that barbarian lost.
This urinal has a football minigame 16 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Its a urinal you animal. No urinal is equipped to handle number 2s. Hence their name.
Kinder suprise 6 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Btw can we talk about that new design for the container ? I remember when it was hell to open them ! Now you just squeeze and it opens right up ! Love it !
You'll get it when I come out 7 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Depends if it is the only discipline you use, and use it all the time, or if it is from time to time. Kids won't always understand reason, sometimes a good spanking is the only thing that will get through to the kid.
nuke 19 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Then same logic could probably be applied to Trump (he doesn't deserve that etc...). Either you think Trump deserves it for his policies and behaviour etc... then you can probably assume that people who support him enough to go to a birthday party would deserve it aswell, or you think none of them deserve it.
Obviously this is an exageration because its a 100% unrealistic scenario.
nuke 19 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Better, throw an actual celebration party, inviting all his supporters to join the celebration.
Can relate 5 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
For some reason when I'm just chilling in the car (not trying to sleep or anything) I quite like holding on to it. Not for 'oh shit' reasons, it just feels comfortable somehow.
Yeah me too #sadface 14 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Yeah, if were playing splitscreen I'm gonna screencheat and expect every other player to do the same. And to be fair, it's not always easy to follow whats going on on 2+ screens at the same time.
Set an example 5 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Just give them actual good books... And by good I don't mean the pentacle of litterature, I mean goddamn books that will keep you hooked.
When i was 10-18 I was into the harry potters, eragon etc... it would drive my parents crazy because I would bring 3-4 (big ass) books for a 2 week holiday (I'm a decently fast reader).
Hell my mom got mad at me coz I didnt sleep on a school night because I had started the Hunger Games that evening and I could't just let katniss sleep in a tree.
Genius level over 9000 4 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Its a festival. You kindly explain the problem to the dude, 99.99% of the time he will let you dig it up in exchange for a drink. Hell he might even help out.
Sugar daddy has a son too 15 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
If you guys are actually interested, look up for any femdom websites. There are A LOT of guys looking for femdom (to a point where finding a femdom is crazy hard x)).
The particular type you would look for would most likely be tagged as findom (as in Financial Domination) or Pay Slave or something of the sort. Note that, there are substantially more women looking for pay slaves than for other types of subs (for obvious reasons) so it might be a little harder to find someone (but seriously, the amount of guys into femdom VS the amount of girls into it allows girls to be extremly picky).
On a final note, I have never tried findom as its one of the few aspects of femdom im really not into, but I owuld assume that someone wouldnt just give you access to their bank account, most likely they would 'expect' some kind of domination in return, so although you don't have to meet you would probably have to interact to some extent, at least though texts / emails.
the Fart 4 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Im pretty sure he wasn't referencing the spelling but rather the fact that she mentions something she claims she "forgot" (ie : she didnt actually forget).
Subtitles 7 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Probably for "dialog". Depending on your kinks it can be a pretty important factor (Say you're into domination / submission, the oral aspect of it is pretty important, because a girl sucking dick isnt the same as a girl being ordered to suck dick).
To poop or not to poop? 7 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
I would still offer. Theres a one in a million I hit the jackpot, and quite frankly they are having sex in a public bathroom so I wouldnt feel too bad for 'intruding' (note that by 'ask' I mean just say out loud "can i join you ladies ?" or something like that, NOT open the stall or anything actually physical without their consent).
Girl offers 42 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Saying sex = abortion is a shortcut so fucking big I'm not even going to try to argue any further. I will just leave saying that noone needs to be taught how to have sex, they will figure it out on their own. However safe sex is something they wont figure out on their own.
At a certain age, you cant prevent kids from making their own stupid decisions, best make sure they know the consequences and stay safe, that hope they never succumb to the temptation.
Sexchu 7 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Yeah, as someone who had trouble with it for a while with my girl, (unless you have a real health condition which is an entirely different story) it boils down to nerves.
First time it happened I was nervous because it wouldve been her first time and I wanted her to have a good time, so I got into my own head (despite never having had any problem when we were just fooling around on other occasions).
Then I started getting into my own head, because I knew it could happen, and that made it happen x)
Luckily she was really cool about it, and we had to stop seeing each other for a week, which allowed me to get control of my own thoughts again, and then it was all fine.
But yeah, you have to be in the right state of nerves, and stressing about it will usually trigger it (which is a real problem because its hard not to think about it once it has happened once).
A homeless man in Silicon Valley was handing out copies of his resume 6 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Wow ! Is he qualified tho ? Seems REEEAAALY hard to believe that a man skilled enough to work at google would have a hard time finding a job in the first place (I dont doubt the mans motivation, as shown by this picture, but its google were talking about).
Girl offers 42 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Why the downvotes on scats comments when all he is doing is expression his own point of view in a more than respectful manner ?
Aside from that I will chip in by saying that "There are other activities I'd rather practice in. I'm a human with brain, not a rabbit that fuck then die." seems extremly restrictive, one can enjoy sex while still enjoying other activities, and condemning everyone who has sex out of wedlock (which, pardon me if I'm wrong, seems to be what you would consider acceptable @rosalinas) are subhumans.
Sex is fun and enjoyable outside of its reproductive function, and utterly rejecting that aspect without compromise is a proof of a closed mind (which I personnaly tend to consider a bad thing).
Unload the gun rather than wear bulletproof vest 53 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Man, upvoting for the numbers, source and all that shit. Good stuff.
Flying trains 5 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
but... why ? Space issues ? is it faster than a train ? (I mean high speed trains are pretty fuckign fast nowadays).
(sorry, im at work, cant watch with sound).
Seems like a really complicated thing that will never be a real thing :/