

I am just a very thin layer of charming with some funny sprinkles wrapped around a huge creamy center of raging arrogant a-hole.

— Smitty Report User
Best reason to go to Iceland 27 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
IF it were true, I'm sure that you would need to meet a very strict set of conditions in order to qualify... such as being fertile for a start, within a certain age range and learning Íslenska.
While I understand Icelanders to be a generally easygoing people, I also think they are fairly logical and no-nonsense as well.
One day, the old gods will return 30 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
The elder gods, many of which have long since been forgotten.
Many of which we would have done well to not forget.
Interesting facts 9 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
I call bullshit on Jobs giving out a Jaguar, but ending the philanthropy programs is spot on.
Faith in Humanity Somewhat Restored 17 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Reminds me of the poor girl that dozed off on my shoulder on an international flight. Definitely cute and I certainly found her very attractive.
I remained still for her so she could sleep... for a few hours. I tried to strike up a conversation with her when she woke, but she was so mortified she wouldn't face me and didn't speak.
His dad owns Microsoft 14 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Report the account for attempted impersonation of Bill Gates son and walk away. The problem will sort itself out.
Dan the man 5 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
He's like, now what do I do with it?
What cheap guy 4 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Well, the ungrateful female who bragged on instagram ditching her date and dumping her flowers under a streetlamp did and that was only one incident.
2 · Edited 7 years ago
What cheap guy 4 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
I think the single men in that city should find and have a "few words" with him first.
The social landscape such as it is now, is making it increasingly difficult for genuine men to find women to share even a small part of their free time and lives with. This rancid fart stain is not helping.
You are never too old 19 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
If you disagree, you need a more cogent argument than a single word.
Tea really isn't my "thing," but I'll never turn down a cup. 6 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Fair point. I suppose it may be better to say, "don't make one on just my account."
It's not called "The Beast and The Beast" 26 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Problem is, is that society and what media is covering of it has gone so far downhill and most people have become so cynically jaded that's it's hard to tell.
A little social experiment. Vote in the comments 67 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Yes. Without hesitation.

And probably bear the guilt for it, not to mention the shaming, animosity even getting shut out I'd suffer from the one I saved.

I'd look to them, probably for the last time and say, "You may loath what I did and hate me for it, but at least you are alive to hate. For me, I think... I think that's enough."
His makeup is overrated 42 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Rude? More like childish.
Russian shooter performs classical music with dual Glocks 4 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
John Wick approves.
I told my mate that the new £1 coin was going to have 12 sides 6 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
On a related point, it blew my mind the first time I saw a Toonie. I was like, what's this? A two tone coin? It's like a little coin getting a hug from a big coin.
Just so it 4 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
But it's not that simple. Life isn't cut and dry or black and white. There are many, many subtle shades of nuance.

Sometimes you just can't come out the gate strong. You HAVE to play it slow and sly.

Sometimes you just can't at all, ever. No matter what you feel or how strongly you do. They might seem to be the greatest person ever in the world for you... but they just don't feel the same. Even though it hurts like a knife in the heart, it's not their fault and there's nothing you can do about it.

If you're not carefull you just might drive them away entirely and that I think, is even more tragic.
You are never too old 19 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Why not? Hell of a way to go out.
just found out my crush is going out with a friend of mine:) 3 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Yeah, being aware of "the bigger picture" doesn't help that it hurts *right now*

Look at it this way, maybe it's a consolation... when it comes to outcomes, at least it's more definitive. A silver lining after a fashion, one that seems to be better than other possibilities.
When you're broke but still want to be stylish 2 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Paint them with a pale white wash, pastel cushions, some white Christmas lights in the frames and a small fire pit... add a charcuterie board, craft beers and a sunset and boom, instant heaven.
This kid is going somewhere 5 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
If it was for a marketing position, they'd be fools to not hire him.
just found out my crush is going out with a friend of mine:) 3 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
That's mighty harsh Brianna, I'm sorry to hear that.
You... uh, hanging in there?
We all have that friend 8 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
How different is this from women wearing short skirts in the winter?
How to properly print on wood 3 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
I can't help but get the feeling that there are a couple crucial steps left out if this.
So happy 4 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Gently take her hand and look her deeply in the eyes and tell her, "I hope this doesn't come across oddly, but that makes me happy. Happy because it's the first of many things we're sure to have in common."

Then, just as you are letting her hand go, give her your best Han Solo smile smirk and a phantom wink.
This kid is doing it so right 11 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Team Hoyt: The next generation.