

Xvarnah --

— Xvarnah Report User
How did c*ckroach get it's name 5 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Iirc, it's English trying to assimilate words from other languages again. It comes from Cucaracha, the Spanish word for cockroach
What mouse? 4 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Why does it look like some girl is in a bathroom carrying a large box of donuts while a mouse sits on one of them while someone takes a pic of her tits. Like this picture raises way too many questions
Wouldn't it be Elon-kun? 4 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Admittedly my understanding isn't great so take this all with a grain of salt, and feel free to correct me.
From what I remember "kun" is the more *proper* suffix for boys (occasionally girls, but this is not as common), and Chan is almost exclusively used for girls. It can be used for guys, but many may find it... emasculating? Chan more or less is a suffix that implies you find the person you're talking about to be cute (not in a romantic way), and is typically used for young children, particularly girls. Basically it wouldn't happen unless you're decently close with the guy and/or he's comfortable with it, or if he's very very young.
San is used as well, but it's the equivalent of calling someone "miss" or "mister."
Since Elon is making a joke about being a weeb, Chan more or less works as near as I can tell.
Such a nice guy 2 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Guy: Justin Willman
Show: "Magic for Humans"
If anyone wants to know
Its not verified because nobody survived 10 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Just to expand on this - Snow Leopards are actually insanely reclusive-- to the point they rarely even come in contact with their own kind (often avoiding each other entirely except mothers/cubs and during breeding season), and when they do it usually isn't on super friendly terms (they've got social skills at levels a lot of us on the Internet can relate to). They're also endangered, and are somewhat particular about their habitat, and tend to roam a decent amount, so they're fairly rare, and spotting them even more so.
What a nice guy 6 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Well, you can hardly expect him to go barefoot now
Legitimately me the last week 8 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
At least you tried first, it's one thing for her to not give you a chance, it's another thing entirely for you to never give yourself a chance
I’m feeling old 4 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Tbh i've seen him at roughly 3 points in his life:
-Child star (mainly home alone, but also a movie where he was a little sociopath)
-completely different emaciated and practically zombified, supposedly due to drugs
-Michael Jackson's trials.
Doesn't impact anything one way or the other, but it's kind of nice seeing him looking okay for the first time since he was screaming into my living room and beating the crap out of the most determined robbers in the world
How considerate 7 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Is it a bird? Is it a plane?? No, it's ---
the point. Speeding by waaay over your head
Isengard 9 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
@dr_richard_ew haha probably, though that just leads to the other scenario where people are deliberately going out specifically to expose themselves/ take pics of asses in public places, which makes it the third and possibly most troubling contender of all
How considerate 7 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Ignoring the fact that bowls aren't actually good for fish in general, either way that runs the risk of introducing bacteria into the tanks, temperature variations, a complete lack of shelter for the fish once it's in the bowl (unless there's no shelter for it in the larger tank, which is even more troubling), a lack of aeration (and filtration), as well as isolation and stress on the fish, both in putting it in the bowl/transfer, and in returning it to that tank. It's also, again, entirely too small a bowl for a fish that size, not to mention it has no lid-- and some species of fish are quite willing to throw themselves OUT of bowls like this when they're stressed or find them too small. That bowl isn't even large enough for a Betta to spend any length of time. And that's also assuming the person renting the fish isn't uneducated or an ass and puts something dangerous in the bowl.
I would not be surprised if this hotel has a very high turn over rate of fish
That’s a good policy 1 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
But impressive
Isengard 9 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Idk what's more troubling- the fact that so many girls apparently have no idea what size clothing they should be wearing, or that there seems to be an unprecedented number of men following them around with their cameras out, ready to drop down to ass-level at a moment's notice
Looks like too many people used it as a toilet 1 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Wtf is wrong with people
Toby 20 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Both of them were suffering by the end of their lives. But they had had good lives. Keeping them alive at that point just to spend time with them would have been selfish on our parts to the point of cruelty, and so much less than they would have deserved after all they'd given us
Toby 20 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
His sister went deaf, had chlamydia (<- not an std in cats and behaves differently. Results in very nasty eye infections), slept almost constantly, was on a multitude of medications, including pain medication, had to be taken in weekly just to be hydrated, and would end up close to dehydration before the next appointment. We were almost living at the vet with her, the bills were through the roof, but more than that she had no quality of life. She was in constant pain and would yowl from it-- particularly when she had to go to the bathroom, would wake up in confusion and often scared if I wasn't around (and I couldn't be around all the time), was ripping her nails out trying to drag herself up places she couldn't get to anymore because she couldn't jump (we did our best trying to accommodate her but can't get everything).
Toby 20 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Every single animal I've owned just about has been put down, not because I didn't WANT to spend more time with them, but because they NEEDED it. My male cat, in particular, got extremely sick with stomach cancer. Like there was no stomach left. What's more, the vet said they were surprised he was even able to walk because his joints were in such poor shape. But he had never been one to complain. It wasn't until the end that he stopped eating that we even knew there was something so very wrong. He was 9.
How considerate 7 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Tbh that bowl isn't really an appropriate size, shape, etc for that fish for an extended period of time.. So it's not exactly unlikely
Cool note 5 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
It took a minute
Drinking human urine 6 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
This is false, in case anyone was actually concerned
Cute yeehaw shit 6 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
-squints at last comment-
Master of 10 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Let's get ready
Religions 6 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
I literally didn't even know Jesus was in the Quran until this post, so ty for helping me learn something
Terrifying 9 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Makes me think of that area in subnautica where you just fall forever, and all the ghost leviathans spawn