

Xvarnah --

— Xvarnah Report User
Dreams are weird 13 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
It sounds like you've been through a lot-- and she took advantage and made it all worse. I'm not glad it happened to you at all, but that you did make it out, and it is amazing that it gave you an opportunity to save two kids from such a horrific situation. And potentially many more. Sometimes the silver linings can outshine the dark clouds. It's so sad that some people can be so awful for no other reason than to be awful :/
Mother puts her life on the line to protect her baby 19 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
According to all the articles I've read: she hadn't checked the weather that day so I'm not sure how she "knew there was going to be a storm." Unless the new implication is that she is either:
A) psychic
B) able to determine that, from dark clouds gathering as she was driving (it was nice when she left her house), she should immediately desist driving, pull over, and lay on top of her baby in the expectation that the clouds would give way to rain, which would give way to hail so powerful it would BLOW OUT HER CAR WINDOW. Australia is, after all, known for it's extremely cold weather and, above all, it's sudden hail storms.
I don't really care if people want to celebrate her, but if you're going to call her negligent, you could at least make a MINOR effort to get your facts in order.
It would have been a lot better 7 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
That's why I said they'd be a niche-- something that exists in some games, but far from the norm, so definitely not in ALL games. Assuming any of the games we know today also existed and God didn't just troll him with a PC and nothing to play, or only one game for eternity
Bees 4 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
I literally have no idea why this comment got a downvote
The Little One (Man and rescued stork wait every year for her mate to return home safely) 6 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
The ones hunting legally and responsibly for food are certainly entitled to. The poachers are not.
As a side note - I misread the last line. Read "chicken" as "children" and had to do a double take
My new favourite quote 5 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
I was literally just thinking the same thing
Moses! These numbers don't add up 15 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Haha ty. It's probably more info than anyone asked for but eh.
Incidentally found out what happened to Aaron: him, Moses, and his son climbed up a mountain. Moses stripped Aaron and dressed his son in his clothes. And then Aaron died, which most of us would also probably do after attempting to climb up a mountain. He was buried on the mountain, and everyone took a break from the 40 years of wandering to mourn him for a month.
Dropping needles 4 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
This is going to be a horror game as soon as the meme falls into the right hands
Moses! These numbers don't add up 15 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Joshua was Moses' successor, and ended up leading the Israelites against Jericho (they're the city that had the great walls before China made having great walls a cool thing to do). Jericho more or less laughed at the Israelites and told them to shove it, which most of the Israelites were thinking was probably the right thing to do at this point. God informed Joshua that they could defeat Jericho and it's mighty walls by marching around the outside of it for 7 days. Which Joshua managed to get them to do.
After Jericho's defeat, God pulled another "parting of the red sea" with the ark of the covenant in the river Jordan, allowing them to safely cross it to Gilgal, where they celebrated by building a monument out of riverbed stones and then began cutting skin off of penises.
There's more to his story about conquering the land of Canaan etc, but you get the gist
4 · Edited 5 years ago
Moses! These numbers don't add up 15 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Aaron also screwed up and was forbidden from entering the promised land. Can't remember if he died like Moses or where he ended up.
Joshua was the one who ended up leading them into the promised land. Iirc, he was one of the scouts sent out by Moses to see what the path ahead was like. Him and Caleb were the only ones to report back that the path would be possible with the help of God, despite the hazards they faced. The other scouts stated it would be impossible, people believed them instead of God, and were sentenced to 40 years of wandering. Incidentally, Caleb & Joshua ended up being the only ones of their generation to see the promised land, which may have been the point of the wandering. Or maybe God forgot about them and took a nap. Either way, at some point God told Moses to go talk to a rock, but Moses hit the rock over the head with a stick instead. Aaron was part of these shenanigans, and because they defied God, God stopped them from ever being allowed to enter Canaan.
4 · Edited 5 years ago
Mother puts her life on the line to protect her baby 19 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
The hail blew out a window in the back seat (where the baby was), and the mother was in the front seat (driver's side, I believe). Assuming she was a normal human being and not expecting a hailstorm from hell to start exploding her car, was in the driver's seat, and had her seatbelt on, it would definitely have taken more than a second to get to the baby. If she was in the passenger's side it would have taken even longer. So, yes, the baby probably did get injured. That doesn't mean the mother didn't do a good job attempting to protect it. Someone might get burned in a house fire, that doesn't mean the fire department didn't do a good job rescuing them.
May humans live on 17 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
It doesn't look like it would withstand an apocalyptic event tbh
Man becomes female cycling champion 6 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
@fell_equinox I don't think you need to feel like an ass, I think you worded it well. I agree with you
“And some of us get stuck, in a love triiaangle” 3 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
And probably don't deserve him
Dies of botulism 2 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
This actually happened to my cousin's son. He was in the hospital for weeks (it took quite a while to figure out what the problem was, and then treat it), and he had to relearn basic motor functions like how to hold his head up, track movement with his eyes, how to swallow, and how to walk. He's doing absolutely fine now, but yeah. The more you know
3 · Edited 5 years ago
Die to die 3 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
I've literally never had a die die. It was nice of them to dye the die inside the die that died though
9 · Edited 5 years ago
Moses! These numbers don't add up 15 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Iirc it wasn't Moses' navigation at all. According to the Bible, they disobeyed God (a common theme). The journey was supposed to take 40 days, but because of their disobedience (they did not believe they could defeat the people standing between them and Canaan despite God saying they would be victorious, and they rebelled) they were cursed to wander for 40 years instead. Moses died within sight of the promised land.
you little shit 5 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
I love Stu's little hat!
Respect my choice as a meat eater and I wont bother you about being against meat 23 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
To a non-vegan the argument looks like "respect and worship my choice to be bulimic, and I'll still attempt to shame you for not throwing up your own dinner after every meal."
· Edited 5 years ago
Good idea, bad execution 6 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Kind of terrifying in this form though
It would have been a lot better 7 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
So, in this scenario, does that mean you're forever forced to play exclusively an overly muscular man, who only interacts with other male characters (if other humans at all) or animals? Since women don't exist, they couldn't really be included in a game setting like this, or at the very least not to anywhere near the extent they are currently (they'd be a niche thing conjured up from somewhere like the loch ness monster etc). Which would drastically change the storyline of a lot of games I've seen. Also: no multiplayer.
· Edited 5 years ago
Yikers 9 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
What exactly is this new nonsense about?
Won the war 11 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
I was referring to the memes of womens' (or mens, but I can't recall actually seeing that many of those) faces/subtitles etc taken directly from porn haha. I get why they were doing it in this image (though I find that hardly less weird)
Dreams are weird 13 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Is the ptsd from her, too? Again, don't feel obliged to answer. She sounds like an absolute nightmare wretch of a human being tbh. :/ I'm glad to hear the cancer has been properly removed from your life and you're on the road to recovery. Hopefully when/if you find someone again, it will be a much better experience (I say if because I think I remember you saying you don't really plan on being in a relationship again, but I might have you mixed up with someone else).
Hopefully she never comes near you or your kid again. And I'm glad you have some ability to handle your dreams, also. It's never happened to me, but I know some people get so locked in their nightmares they never quite manage to go "Okay. Remember. This isn't real. We can get out of this just fine." Or some other version of that
The Little One (Man and rescued stork wait every year for her mate to return home safely) 6 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
I don't think anyone claimed they were endangered. Iirc he said they are poached and IN danger from hunters. Poaching implies most of these hunters likely shouldn't be hunting them to begin with