

— 7ombie Report User
Apart from that, "if it's on the internet, it must be true" 12 comments
7ombie · 7 years ago
He was an outlier and should never have been included in the survey
This is a stock photo of "bullying" 16 comments
7ombie · 7 years ago
Bullying is a lot sexier than I remember
Injustice on the other side 21 comments
7ombie · 7 years ago
Nope. The current stats according to the US justice department is anywhere from 4-6% of reported rape cases MAY have been falsified. You're making it sound like a majority of reported rape is just people making it up when this is very much not the case, and if you follow the link you'll see several reasons why victims choose not to pursue a report or may even drop a claim. Rape culture is very much alive, and denying it helps no one.
They can destroy a man's life with one lie 53 comments
7ombie · 7 years ago
Zipthesilver, how many Take Back the Night marches have you been on? What are you basing this "most victims recover in under a decade" statement on? Because in my considerable experience, this is very much not the case. If I'm mistaken and there is a reputable source available confirming your claim, please point me in that direction.
They can destroy a man's life with one lie 53 comments
7ombie · 7 years ago
According to RAINN and the Justice Department, 68% of rapes go unreported, 98% of rapists will never spend a day in jail or prison, and there are 293,000 victims of rape annually. Meaning, 199,240 rapes go unreported, of the 93,760 rapes that are reported, just over 91,884 are never convicted, and less than 1,900 rapists are put behind bars. But yes, obviously false accusations are the bigger problem here.
They can destroy a man's life with one lie 53 comments
7ombie · 7 years ago
I'm so sorry you went through that, guest. As a fellow victim/survivor/whatever the fuck you want to call it, I want you to know that I hear you. Seeing this shit get twisted into something that makes it even more terrifying to report a rape is awful. They don't understand the shame, the blame, and the hopelessness that we've gone through. My rapist got off with a slap on the wrist because, "he just made a mistake, it wouldn't be fair to ruin his entire life over that", despite the fact that he confessed. You're right, this is bullshit plain and simple. Stay strong, love.
15 places you need to see in real life 2 comments
7ombie · 8 years ago
Bishops castle is absolutely amazing, and is funded completely by the donations of visitors. The best news is that Bishop hates "the establishment" so there are no safety measures in place and you can literally climb all over that thing and no one cares. I climbed out a window towards the top and got an awesome picture of me as a gargoyle. Because I am an adult and endangering my life in pursuit of an amusing photo is my right as a 'merican.
No, can't say I've experienced that. 16 comments
7ombie · 8 years ago
Or just your episodic memory taking over for a brief period, this is why so many minor car accidents happen close to home. Your brain says "We've done this so many times before I'm gonna stop observing this familiar environment and let your memory fill in the gaps." If you are severely sleep deprived you may also be experiencing moments of micro-sleep. Your brain literally falls asleep for short periods of time and you have no memory of it happening.
Gotta feed the kids 12 comments
7ombie · 8 years ago
You... you monster
Tape this inside your medicine cabinet 6 comments
7ombie · 8 years ago
Please don't wipe down your dog with dryer sheets, they are not nontoxic and dogs like to lick themselves
Kisses for Mom 3 comments
7ombie · 8 years ago
Nature is beautiful
People rebooting 3 comments
7ombie · 8 years ago
I showed this to my Nana and she lost her breath she was laughing so hard
I love paint 4 comments
7ombie · 8 years ago
It's haunting...
When I haven't slept and then have enough caffeine to kill an elephant 2 comments
7ombie · 8 years ago
It is! It's called synesthesia and is, in fact, freaking awesome.
John Oliver has a point 11 comments
7ombie · 8 years ago
To be fair, he is thoroughly amused that people think he said this
The resemblance is uncanny 15 comments
7ombie · 8 years ago
It's like it can see into my soul...
Keep it at home. 21 comments
7ombie · 8 years ago
Pajama pants for life
This animal looks like it knows every answer in the universe 7 comments
7ombie · 8 years ago
Oooo, then you would love the game Okami. It's beautiful, and the main character is a wolf god
This needs to be reiterated 7 comments
7ombie · 8 years ago
It's cool, guys, Fox News taught me that if someone is disagreeing with me by using facts and logic I just need to speak louder and integrate words like "communist" and "nazi" to better get my point across.
Y'all need Satan 42 comments
7ombie · 8 years ago
Not necessarily, a married person can be raped by their spouse (male or female). Marriage doesn't equal perpetual sexual consent.
Drumpf 8 comments
7ombie · 8 years ago
I didn't care about skin color watching the Oscars 78 comments
7ombie · 8 years ago
If they're not obligated to race match then how is it "objectively dumb to have a black person play a white character"? I am thoroughly confused. First you're saying "my statement only states specifically that black people playing white people is dumb, though the opposite is also dumb" but you finish with "By what logic should directors be obligated to race match". By your logic directors should race match. Either that, or your saying a director should race match only if a character has to be black.
I didn't care about skin color watching the Oscars 78 comments
7ombie · 8 years ago
This matters because there are talented Asian American, Middle Eastern, and Egyptian actors that may very well have done just as good a job as their white counterparts that we'll never get to know about. And any plot that hinges on the race of a character (Aloha made it known the female lead was half asian, the prince of Persia was from persia and had a Persian father, brothers, and uncle, and Moses has to be a Hebrew from Egypt for the story to have any meaning) should be played by an actor of that race. Dressing a white person up to look like a person of that race is seriously no different from when white actors used to put on 'black face'.
I didn't care about skin color watching the Oscars 78 comments
7ombie · 8 years ago
Okie-dokie, point by point
-More than are currently available (fucking hell, did you want an exact number?)
-Emma Stone playing a half Asian woman, Jake Gyllenhaal playing the prince of fucking persia, Christian Bale playing Moses, I could too easily go on
-By your logic on this point, you already agree that all the above examples are 'objectively dumb', and I return your previous question with a small alteration. Which roles "should" be played by whites?
-The Academy is meant to represent movie goers, not the population of the industry. The % of white people in America is 63.4, the % of white people in the Academy is 94, hence, disproportionate.
I didn't care about skin color watching the Oscars 78 comments
7ombie · 8 years ago
Seriously? Your argument against giving this issue the consideration it deserves is maybe some white person might not get recognized? I honestly can't figure out which part of this argument is the most flawed, the part where you don't think a person of color could be good enough to genuinely deserve an award, the part where you assume all black people are so petty they'll complain about anything, or the part where you believe the presence of any minority is just "token".