
I like eggs.

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Split pinnacle in Hunan, China 2 comments
ardeet · 6 years ago
“Wang Lei, pass me the hammer and chisel so we can get started.”
“... Wang Lei ...?”
“... umm, I thought you were carrying them up Li Jun ...”
The all-seeing eye 4 comments
ardeet · 6 years ago
Cockeye the sailors.
Daniela discovered her blood clot was actually a monster 11 comments
ardeet · 6 years ago
Snot true.
I belong to the same species 1 comments
ardeet · 6 years ago
To create some sort of bizarre Hipkoslanda hybrid?
Get up. Walk me 6 comments
ardeet · 6 years ago
I did. She won :-)
Cheetah wants some love too 17 comments
ardeet · 6 years ago
Carnivores often squint to sharpen their focus for a kill.
Never thought of it that way 4 comments
ardeet · 6 years ago
Now I know what shattered joy is made of.
Get up. Walk me 6 comments
ardeet · 6 years ago
My 13yr old lab doing her best to get me out of bed.
Superconducting Quantum Levitation on a Möbius Strip 6 comments
ardeet · 6 years ago
Next Station ... this one.
Half assed toilet 5 comments
ardeet · 6 years ago
Presumably it has quarter flush button.
Does anyone do this? 7 comments
ardeet · 6 years ago
I think Rev Jones would want you to have this one ...
Ever worked in retail? 17 comments
ardeet · 6 years ago
If he had bothered to listen, he wouldn't have given her food that her dog couldn't eat!
Baby boy can't wait for his dad to drop the beat 2 comments
ardeet · 6 years ago
Father beats son.
Well, he has a valid point 4 comments
ardeet · 6 years ago
Only 8 years? He's young :-)
Great thinking 3 comments
ardeet · 6 years ago
Wouldn't the bags already be floured?
Okay but the movie Alien ... 11 comments
ardeet · 6 years ago
Nuclear explosions start from the inside.
I mean...Unless you're into that kind of thing 12 comments
ardeet · 6 years ago
The Swizzler!
90s kid will remember 3 comments
ardeet · 6 years ago
What about when you couldn't even carry your phone because it was hard wired to the wall?
A solar power system that mimics a sunflower 8 comments
ardeet · 7 years ago
Anyone else see the potential for solar sunflower decapitation of a pedestrian?
A solar power system that mimics a sunflower 8 comments
ardeet · 7 years ago
My understanding is that moving it optimises the energy received so I believe it more than outweighs the motor cost.
Jesus took the wheel 5 comments
ardeet · 7 years ago
Jesus: "Back in the day miracles were just accepted."
exam week coming up 5 comments
ardeet · 7 years ago
That's like when you start a sentence with all good intentions of making a stunningly cogent point but you end up reading it back to yourself and realise that there is not as much impact as you had originally hoped for so you "put something in quotes" to throw people off and then just smoothly slink away on the back of an ellipsis that leads nowhere ...
· Edited 7 years ago
Lost his youth waiting for his love 4 comments
ardeet · 7 years ago
The compounding effect of inflation is going to be a rude shock when they finally reach the register.
Deep thoughts while pooping at night 2 comments
ardeet · 7 years ago
I have two sets of car keys. I use them interchangeably.