timebender25 · 6 years ago
So I've noticed a downwards trend of sanity and stability in my life recently (as in 'the last 6-7 years of my life' recent) and I feel the problem stems from a lack of direct IRL social contact. I've thought of a few ways to fix this, though none of them are without risks.
#1 would be to pretend I'm someone I'm not and retreat further into my mental shell by forcing myself to socialize more.
#2 would be to initiate a plea for attention by some sort of modification to my physical appearance. (though no piercings or tattoos, as I have a phobia of needles)
And #3 would be to drop a ton of money I don't have to visit my online friends (like @fell__equinox, @yukihaki, and others that don't have accounts on this site) IRL.

I know I sound like a stereotypical edgy teen here. I'm sorry. Really trying not to. But me not doing anything about my predicament is only going to make it worse.
Please help me out. This is a major decision and I don't want it to be a mistake I'll regret later on.
diyrogue · 6 years ago
Well obviously don't do 1, but the good thing about 2 is it won't be permanent ( as you said no tattoos or piercings and I feel you bro I really do) so if you want you could actually try something with your hair or maybe so crazy makeup styles to help? I cut my hair when I had a break down and it kind of helped cause it made me feel like I had control over something and I wasn't just like... Powerless? I mean I regret it cause long hair has endless possibilities but its no biggie cause it'll grow back in time.
And in the meantime you could save up some money to go see your friends and not break the bank?
Just a thought
timebender25 · 6 years ago
That is a very good thought indeed.
Alas the solitary flaw is, I don't have a job so saving money might take a very long time.
fell__equinox · 6 years ago
Time. Talk to Chance. He can help you
jade · 6 years ago
Hey bender, this isn't IRL social contact, but I find that skyping/face-timing people really helps.