

38, Male, California USA
Currently employed as ER Tech.
Proud father of 2, with a long-distance Boo.
MatthewG Report User

Hey I'm One! I'm not so One! VIDEO

Hey I'm One! I'm not so One!

This cracks me up to this day. VIDEO Hidden

Not safe for work

Happy Pie Day! VIDEO

Happy Pie Day!

I can't take any movie with "moan" in the title seriously. VIDEO

I can't take any movie with "moan" in the title seriously.

Who says you'll never use cursive as an adult? VIDEO

Who says you'll never use cursive as an adult?

This little guy is WORKIN' it. VIDEO

This little guy is WORKIN' it.

MFW those thighs could crush rocks. VIDEO

MFW those thighs could crush rocks.

How do I submit this to Booksubstance? VIDEO

How do I submit this to Booksubstance?

Spoilers for The Matrix and Forrest Gump. VIDEO

Spoilers for The Matrix and Forrest Gump.

Shock of shocks, Lord Dampnut lied about the size of his "Tower". ;) VIDEO

Shock of shocks, Lord Dampnut lied about the size of his "Tower". ;)