

38, Male, California USA
Currently employed as ER Tech.
Proud father of 2, with a long-distance Boo.
MatthewG Report User

I always knew Bob was on drugs. VIDEO

I always knew Bob was on drugs.

#bootyvalve Get it trending, people! VIDEO

#bootyvalve Get it trending, people!

Game Grumps did ok. How hard could it be? VIDEO

Game Grumps did ok. How hard could it be?

"Sadly" these were hunted to extinction due to their inabilty to hide from predators. VIDEO

"Sadly" these were hunted to extinction due to their inabilty to hide from predators.

More like "Back in Quack", mirite!? VIDEO

More like "Back in Quack", mirite!?

Chewbacca Lady is totally overstaying her 15 minutes of fame. VIDEO

Chewbacca Lady is totally overstaying her 15 minutes of fame.

Not even the biggest twitstorm that can be mustered by the man colored mustard dot dot dot VIDEO

Not even the biggest twitstorm that can be mustered by the man colored mustard dot dot dot

This song is literal shit. VIDEO

This song is literal shit.

For my favorite Birb.

For my favorite Birb.

The kiddos and I were bingeing today. VIDEO

The kiddos and I were bingeing today.