

38, Male, California USA
Currently employed as ER Tech.
Proud father of 2, with a long-distance Boo.

— MatthewG Report User
Faith in humanity, will to live, etc...
Just don't look up pawg warts on certain internet "hubs"...
I'm still waiting for his cage match with Daniel Tosh.
Grandma always makes the most hilarious jell-o shots.
Please your S.O. better with this one weird trick a Mom came up with!
Buscemi to play Cyclops in upcoming X-Men film.
When you're drunk and vulnerable, but he silently decides he likes the cut of your jib.
I also need a sm0l bottle of wine to find myself beautiful in the mirror.
"Ah, I see my reputation precedes me." ;)
I bet he wishes he was one of the guys sent to find the Moon Monolith.