

38, Male, California USA
Currently employed as ER Tech.
Proud father of 2, with a long-distance Boo.
MatthewG Report User

He attacc, but he also shocc.

He attacc, but he also shocc.

Proud sponsor of Videogame Dunkey.

Proud sponsor of Videogame Dunkey.

Settle down, Scientology. There's a new cult in town.

Settle down, Scientology. There's a new cult in town.

Shia definitely makes a good One of Those Guys. VIDEO

Shia definitely makes a good One of Those Guys.

Me, after finishing Knights of Sidonia Season 2.

Me, after finishing Knights of Sidonia Season 2.

When you realize people don't want to talk politics, but just want to waste your time.

When you realize people don't want to talk politics, but just want to waste your time.

You can't hit what you can't see.

You can't hit what you can't see.

Wholesome as Pupperoni Pie.

Wholesome as Pupperoni Pie.

"We never landed on the Moon."

"We never landed on the Moon."

Faith in humanity, will to live, etc...

Faith in humanity, will to live, etc...