
B.Tx L.Ca

[email protected] Report User
Come on, It's okay! I promess I will buy him some bionic legs! 27 comments
mrscollector · 6 years ago
Sucks to be you lol
I am kidding I am kidding. lol
Hay we will all be your buddies.
Come on, It's okay! I promess I will buy him some bionic legs! 27 comments
mrscollector · 6 years ago
I would tell her listen let me shoot you and than I will let you shoot me and we both get money. BUT ONLY IN THE MEATY BIT NO BONE!
This makeup artist turns people into Disney villains 13 comments
mrscollector · 6 years ago
That is pretty much what I said. And really Skinner was the bad guy. Hell what good guy was ever named Skinner?
This makeup artist turns people into Disney villains 13 comments
mrscollector · 6 years ago
Yes they were. Well all except Anton Ego, he was just a judgemental misinformed person and admits it at the end of the film. But the rest yes very.
Hades tried to kill his nephew and take over by enslaving everyone.
Scare killed his brother and tried to kill his nephew.
Yzma tried to kill the Emperor.
Jafar tried to kill Aladdin, hypnotized the king, tried to force the young princess Jasmine to marry him.
Bell Wether drugged innocent animals to go crazy to make them seem violent.
Thats why 7 comments
mrscollector · 6 years ago
No he wasnt going to waste that pack like that lol he bitch that he would wasted to much money. He had my baby brother massage ever cigarette till it looked right. He said it was llike smoking a whole pack of cigarettes at the same time because of how compact it was.
Now that's badass! 12 comments
mrscollector · 6 years ago
She probably knew by experince that she still had a while tilll she delivered so she knew it be ok to help the other woman out.
Story with bossman 2 comments
mrscollector · 6 years ago
The woman later called and said the kid was fully delt with and thankyou for trusting in them and not calling the cops. Which we could of done because they were really bad. Some people don't realize you need to know what your kids do on computers.
20 · Edited 6 years ago
Story with bossman 2 comments
mrscollector · 6 years ago
That is funny vut you want to hears something terrible?
For 3 years my husband had a by word of mouth buissness fixing computers. And one day a old man in his 80s said his laptop needed work. So my husband works on it for 10minutes when he calls me over to him. He found 100s of pics of the smae little girl maybe 12 taking pics of herself using the webcam on the laptop. So normally we would call the police but something told us the old guy didn't know about them and we were right. So to FULLY delete the pics he had to whipe the whole thing. He deleted everything. And I went with him to give it to the guy. With the guy came his daughter she asked if the girl looked like a girl in a photo she had with her we said yes. She started getting so mad. The old man was so embarrassed we felt so bad for him. My husband told him no charge but he insisted and gave him 500 bucks when it would of cost him 120.
All aboard SS VeganTrigger 6 comments
mrscollector · 6 years ago
I am no vegan but that is so fucked up the poor fish lmao it looks ridicules
21 · Edited 6 years ago
How to lose 10 pounds FAST using this one weird trick! 4 comments
mrscollector · 6 years ago
Well than I guess I cant ever stop telling them I would hate for your death to be because I stopped lol
I am so stupid 81 comments
mrscollector · 6 years ago
Chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease it goes beyond the normal simple throwing up stomach acid. It takes over her whole life. We call it her special tummy but really it is life threatening for her. She is so much affected by it that a simple raw bell pepper can send her to the ER. And if she was given a jalapeno she has to stay for the night. She ends up vomiting so hard she vomits blood. As a baby she couldn't even breastfeed or use formula because milk also affects her. If it is not the right conditions she becomes violently ill. And sometimes for no reason at all she becomes sick and vomits. And every time she vomits it isnt like "Mommy I don't feel good I think I might throw up." Than vomits a little. "Ok I feel better now."
No it is projectile vomit that doesnt stop till she is empty and than it is a crying vomit covered little girl croaking because her throat hurts "mommy help!" Than more vomit.
It is a the worst thing ever on her little body and she was born with it.
How to lose 10 pounds FAST using this one weird trick! 4 comments
mrscollector · 6 years ago
My oldest brother was dating this girl online and he asked her how much she weigh and she said 140 give or take. So he was like ok. So he says he wants to meet and she didn't at first but finally meet. Turned out she weighed 140 because she had no legs. She was over weight but the no legs thing made her lighter. My brother excussed himself to the bathroom and nearly died from laughing. After he washed his face and went back. He still dated her and later admitted he laughed. She said it was ok and laughed to. She thought he leave her for it but my brother is an ass but a decent guy they stayed together for a few years till he had to move for a job. She was pretty cool lol if I ever lost my legs I would probably pull the same stunt lmao
These are their stories 8 comments
mrscollector · 6 years ago
What gets me is when I am either on here see something or on youtube or facebook or ANYWHERE on the web and I think O I never looked that up before. So I go to type in the name or place or show or whatever and I just type 1 or 2 letters and it goes did you mean THIS?
Where the fuck the hidden camera watching me?
6 · Edited 6 years ago
We'll be rich as kings,damn hell like kings 6 comments
mrscollector · 6 years ago
My brother lives in the pan handle of texas and was going to build a coffee table for his living room. He went and saw how much mesquite is and than called my other brothers who live on our family land which is 54 acres. See that land is coated in mesquite trees just 2yrs ago to get rid of bobcats and coyotes we cleared 30 acres of the trees. The animals were killing our cattle which is for breeding not eating.
So anyways the land has tons of it. So my brother took a flatbed to my parents had my brothers help and filled it as high as it go. Than my brother sold it all and with that much wood paid for a new to them lol car for my parents and for my brothers took them to sixflags. And got himself a better truck. He now does this every year because that tree grows like weeds they may get chopped down but another grow right back in its place.
Thats why 7 comments
mrscollector · 6 years ago
lol He didnt think so either.
4 · Edited 6 years ago
Thats why 7 comments
mrscollector · 6 years ago
My brother is a big rig truck driver. He was in austen tx and got himself a new pack of Marlboros reds. He was in this huge ass traffic jam and so to pass the time whips out hos pack and starts tapping it on the dashboard packing it. Well he didn't really pay attion to what he was doing and when he could finally go he unwraps the pack and pulls out one and lights it up. He starts coughing historically. Turns out ge packed it so tight it was nearly half empty paper. He probably packed it for somewhere from 30 minutes to an hour. Lol
This makeup artist turns people into Disney villains 13 comments
mrscollector · 6 years ago
Lmao I love Yzma's eyelashes lol
1 · Edited 6 years ago
When you don't weigh your choices well 17 comments
mrscollector · 6 years ago
It already happen this is old. She said not guilty. She was speeding on wet street and ran a red light. She ran over the guy in full daylight and he died due to the her running him over. He had a wife and kids and she said she was to fat to go to jail. The judge sent her ass anyway. But she only got 30 months that is bullshit.
3 · Edited 6 years ago
Adjourn your asses 5 comments
mrscollector · 6 years ago
O yeah when I found out I was in total shock. I can not believe how luck I am.
When you don't weigh your choices well 17 comments
mrscollector · 6 years ago
She felt she die in prison because she was so over weight plus the stress of being in prison she would have a heart attack or stroke. She already had one before the crash she lost alot of weight due to the scare she had from it. But since the accident she said she put almost all it back on.
When you don't weigh your choices well 17 comments
mrscollector · 6 years ago
She got only 30 months for killing the guy.
Adjourn your asses 5 comments
mrscollector · 6 years ago
This is the guy that is in prison for raping little kids and having kid porn and such. It happen a few months after I left him to go care for my grandma.
6 · Edited 6 years ago
Adjourn your asses 5 comments
mrscollector · 6 years ago
I once dated a friend of a friend. My friend was a girl named Paula. See I was visiting her for how ever long I felt the relationship would go with the guy. Well my friend doesn't drive so we called my bf to see if he take me to get a few things it was the first say there and I needed like bedroom stuff and bathroom stuff. It was the first time we meet in person seemed super nice and everything. Wee go to get in his car and Paula sits in the front seat and buckles up.
I said to her "Um Paula I think..."
She cuts me off and says "Get in we need to go."
I walk to the window and say in a whisper.
"Paula if your bf was driving a car would I hop in the front seat and make you sit in the back?" She than yells at me something like you better damn not you are a whore if you do that. So I tell her "Ok don't be a whore and get out my seat." She looked at me like o shit than got in the back lol.
But knowing what I know now of the guy I should of let her have the seat.
11 · Edited 6 years ago
That's my legal name 3 comments
mrscollector · 6 years ago
My 2 older brothers are 10 and 9 years older than me so my Dad had a good amount of time with just 2 boys. When they would do something obviously stupid my Dad always yelled out to the oldest "God Damn it" than he would say somthing like get inside. For the 2nd brother he yell "Jesus Christ" so for some reason it was always like this till one day the 2nd oldest was throwing rocks at cars that were driving by our house. My Dad standing at the front door yelled GOD DAMN IT GET YOUR ASS IN HERE! To which my smart ass brother replys but Dad I'm Jesus Christ.
4 · Edited 6 years ago
Dad's by SOOSH - love your dad if he's still there 28 comments
mrscollector · 6 years ago
And now I am crying because september 4th be the one year anniversary of my Dad passing away.
I miss him more than anything and I would give up everything just for 1 more day with him.
He was a real life Super Hero who didn't wear a cape.
20 · Edited 6 years ago