Seb Gruc


— Seb Gruc Report User
Never thought of that 4 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Boy how wrong can you be ? You can be financially in the shitter and still have access to a cellphone and data (not talking about poor people in third world countries).
Hell, obviously if youre broke you don't need the latest Iphone, but having a smartphone with a basic data plan is probably still a good idea. I lost my phone and had a shitty old nokia for a while, which happened to line up with the moment I was looking for an internship... Boy was it annoying.
If I didn't have a computer I couldn't skype conference if a potential employer wanted to, couldn't use any maps application to find the place where my interview would take place, hell, sending out resumes would've been a pain etc...
Nowadays owning a smartphone is a tool not a luxury, (obviously, owning the last model is a luxury), so there could definitely be hungry people with access to a device.
Love is real 8 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Thats how i first read it and i was like "oh this poor soul."
Hope I get hired 14 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
I would assume the point of a form is that it is standardised to your company, meaning all applicants fill it the same way, which mean you would be able to easily implement automated filters on thoses fields.
Example, you're looking for someone with a masters or higher in field X ? You can easily filter that "degree" field for words such as 'masters' and 'X'. A CV is customised by every applicant, so it makes filtering for specific information harde.
Obviously you might be missing out on some applications, but if you have A LOT of choice then do you really care ?
Then again, I'm a dev, so thats what came to my mind.
24 hours challenge 6 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
I mean i'm 22 and I've watched overnight challenges...
Then again they are of a dude trespassing into stadiums and climbing construction sites and shit. Not gonna lie, it's a guilty pleasure of mine.
Guess who did this 12 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Well... thats a really dumb way of handling the situation, but i believe sexual compatibility is important in a relationship, and if I want to have sex, and my partner doesn't (not this one time, on average), or the other way around then yeah, we have a problem.
Bending the rules 9 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
All the power to them, but this is the 100th time something like this happens, and somehow the articles always make them sound like they are genius who changed the world with the smartest loophole ever.
Witty title #284 3 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Sure, but did you know that the Ado is blue, dabadi dabado?
Second chance 9 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Btw I'm in need of a pun for a girl called 'Bushra'. Coz so far the only one I have involves the words bush and raw, and is too crude for me to use.
Second chance 9 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
If by pick up lines you mean this pre-made shit (like "hey did it hurt ?"...) then I 100% agree. If you include all shitty jokes and one liners that you make up yourself then I disagree.
But then again the whole reason I installed Tinder was to make shitty puns on the girl's name, and I will go down with the ship if I have to.
When a girl says 7 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
And here I wondered if should specify "all the guys who go to clubs or bars with the intent of trying to pick up women"....
Yeah but 40 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Granular or not, you can't punish someone because they have thoughts they can't control, but who control their actions.
Second chance 9 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
This sounds a lot like the beginning to r/niceguys tho... Not saying its what it is but... Being overly polite is a bad move I think. Just go for a simple thing of her profile, a bit of wit, or w/e.
When a girl says 7 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
All guys including me do this at some point in our life, when you still don't know how to flirt in bars and clubs.
Took me two times of buying a drink to a girl and nothing at all hapening (not even conversation) to realize that I was a moron and this wasn't the way to go. I have learned from my mistakes. I'm now of the opinion that, any girl I could hook up by buying her a drink, I could just as much hook up without.
Doesnt mean Ill never buy a drink to a girl, but it's no longer a means to an objective (an ineffective one at that), rather just something to do for someone yo ualready struck a connection with.
Give him a hug 5 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Im guessing he is bored of OP posting twitter screenshots of the weratedogs page, because quite franly, one in a while sure, but if I wanted to see all their collection I would go to their fucking page.
Just uni things 14 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
The fuck is wrong with your uni ? I understand wanting to be strict on absences (although I disagree, if someone passes your class without attending he deserves it IMO, but thats another story).
But when someone is in a serious situation which is outside of their control, if you cant cut them some slack then you are one fucking huge piece of shit...
My employer PAYS ME to do stuff for him, and if I say "Hey, i got in an accident, nothing big, but im dealing with the police, im gonna miss a meeting / this morning", he gets it...
Peace and quiet 11 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
well you COULD set your tent in a trees shadow or something.
Nice to be a hot guy 10 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
As much as it is a dick move to make...
Everyone in the party had the right to object.
If he does that early in the night its a really dick move, but if it has been going on for a while... passing the ball around is nice, but at some point you gotta shoot for the goal if you wanna score.
Going for the 3 girls is a dick move but... he saw an opportunity for a 4some, and since none of the girls objected, either they were really only interested in him, or they were bored of waiting for someone to make a move.
He made a move. A dick move. But noone objected. So maybe OP is just jealous...
Bruce Banner all the way 12 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
The fuck is a prep ?
Just uni things 14 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Well the way thats defined in France is anything that can effectively explain why you were absent and is outside of your control.
Like I was visiting family on La Reunion (french Island) for christmas. My return flight sunday morning was delayed for 2 days due to a typhoon hitting the island and grounding every flights. How can I be held accountable for a motherfucking storm ?
Typically illness, and stuff like that (justified with a doctors note) is also considered a valid excuse.
Would they dock you points if you had a medical condition that forces you to go to the hospital regularly in such a manner that you can't do it solely on the weekends ? Or a temporary condition that makes you spend a week in the hospital ? 'Oh sorry, thats gonna be a lot of lost marks you lazy fuck' ? That seems insane.
Just uni things 14 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Even justified excuses ? I mean you got hit by a fucking car, how can that penalize you ?
My school had a "ditch all you want, as long as you pass your exams we dont care. If you dont... youre in trouble." policy, which I really enjoyed.
Are you? 5 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Truth is, that will come back and byte them in the ass later, or it means it didnt matter. I've always been the guy who didnt do his homework because quite frankly I didnt need it to get the class material (I mean in high school maths / physics youre basically doing the same exercise OVER AND OVER, so if you actually understand then.... fuck this) but my teachers were a pain when it came to homework so I would quite often ask to copy someones work.
Later on in my engineering studies that lead me to NEVER saying no when someone asks for my work if I have done it. I got helped, pay it forward. If it costs you nothing to help someone then why not do it ? You wont be more successfull just because they fail.
Just uni things 14 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Don't you have second sessions ? I mean "I got hit by a car." is a pretty damn good excuse that would probably lead any teacher to maybe even arrange a 1 on 1 (not that kind....) session for you.
Hell, I had a teacher arrange an oral examination instead of the written test for me once because I had gastroenteritis (backed up by a medical certificate ofc), and I couldn't attend the backup session (which is scheduled 3months later) because I was moving to study abroad.
The pain of aligning things in Microsoft Word 3 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
The best is LaTeX but I guess it's a pain in the ass to pickup (I mean a REAL pain in the ass). But once you get used to it god it feels good.
What a dumb move 3 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Except this post is old AF
The traffic light on the sidewalk for pedestrians on their phones 6 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
I mean Im pretty sure the noise (most lights where I live have a slow ticking rythm when light is red and fast ticking rythm when light is green) also helps the visually impaired.
But not sure why guest said fuck that noise when we are looking at lights, so I might be off topic.