

"I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like" -Queen, Bicycle Race
Blaez Report User
Male to female transformation 63 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
They just want the government to pay for their shit. They could care less about the country and it's needs.
Male to female transformation 63 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
Yea, put the blame on me because there's totally nothing wrong with those people who wanna be something they're not. It doesn't matter who cuts off your genitalia, your genitalia still got cut off. Just because someone has a damn PhD doesn't mean that it's okay for them to do it. All they're doing is taking your money. And yes, the suicide rate is lower among people who know what gender they are, and higher among trans people. The point is they still feel suicidal even after they 'transition'. Again, call me an asshole all you want. Words don't affect me when it's coming from someone I don't know or particularly care for. Maybe if trans people would take that same sentiment and not worry about what other people say, they might not wanna kill themselves as much. But hey, if you wanna cut your genitalia off and think you're something you're not, at the end of the day I have no control over that. But I can give my argument, which is something no one but me has control over.
Aerial-view of before and after the Battle of Passchendaele 5 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
Maybe you're a little too hammered. Brutal yes, unnecessary no. It was one of the most necessary wars if not the most necessary of them all. I shouldn't need to explain this but you're drunk so whatevs.
Male to female transformation 63 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
"Treatment." I wouldn't call cutting off your dick "treatment". I'd call it insanity. The suicide rate for trans people is 40%, and that statistic doesn't change between those who've 'transitioned' and those who haven't. And I'm not directly addressing this person, so calm down. Call me an asshole all you want. I'm just stating facts. I'm not gonna call a trans person the gender they want to be; I call them the gender they are. If I'm expected to act a certain way around people that is different than how I want to act, then you can bet your ass that affects me.
Male to female transformation 63 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
Just because you think that you’re a girl doesn’t mean that you are one. What you are at birth is what you will always will be. No amount of hormones or plastic surgery will change that.
Aerial-view of before and after the Battle of Passchendaele 5 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
Ironic. When you fight for a city or town, it gets destroyed in the process.
Male to female transformation 63 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
You mean go man.
Anon has a realization 7 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
I'd say that if that person's life is so bad that a person who hears bad life stories all the time cries, then that person has the right to cry.
Berezka dance ensemble seemingly floating around 4 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
Plot twist: They're on hoverboards.
COMING SOON TO VHS 13 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
Reminds me of the new South Park game where they shit in Netflix for picking up every shitty movie/tv idea.
I finally found my master! 3 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
What a fucking legend.
Pappa had a rough life 6 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
Ima quote Ender's Game. "Knocking him down won the first fight. I wanted to win all the next ones, too. So they'd leave me alone."
Someone at Google has a sense of humour 1 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
This actually works if you google it.
Man cuts up girlfriend's heels after they caused her to crash 31 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
He insulted my intelligence for no reason so I insulted him back. He also insinuated that he knew how to have a good relationship when in fact he didn't, which is a little disingenuous. How can he talk shit about the ability to have healthy and stable relationships when he can't do it himself? I pointed out a fact that he gave publicly. If he doesn't bother to ask 'why' when other generation's relationships go south, than why should I ask 'why' about his relationships? Relationships are tricky beasts, no matter what age you are.
Man cuts up girlfriend's heels after they caused her to crash 31 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
Here's some more, fuckstick. You're unequivocally the most gargantuan cuckold I've ever seen. Maybe in the future try looking back at yourself before you start 'worrying about this generation's ability to form and maintain healthy relationships', Mr. Single Dad.
Man cuts up girlfriend's heels after they caused her to crash 31 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
@matthewg You're awfully presumptuous in thinking that this generation would react in the same fashion as this man did. I know for sure that I wouldn't have acted so childish. I maybe would've just had a talk with her and not let her drive it again. @diyrogue I'm just pointing out that heels do not have the same value as a sports car. I'm not saying that's an appropriate response.
Man cuts up girlfriend's heels after they caused her to crash 31 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
Negligence, more like arrogance. And I'm guessing that there's damage to the rear bumper, exhaust, and undercarriage, so it's likely that she doesn't have a couple thousand pounds lying around/
Man cuts up girlfriend's heels after they caused her to crash 31 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
He told her not to wear heels, and for a good reason. She didn't listen. While I don't agree with him destroying her heels, it's a much easier bill to front compared to a sports car repair. @that_creepy_guy Taking responsibility by blaming shoes isn't taking responsibility at all, so I don't know where you're going with that. It was her decision to put the heels on and drive against the prohibition of her partner.
Don't see it coming 5 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
It doesn’t get any more noticeable than that.
Mission: Impossible 1 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
Only bird owners can truly appreciate this utter work of art.
But is his pen*s feminin? 11 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
Note the cut on the person's right arm. Smh get some help.
Abs : Ass breaking system 5 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
Good thing she was wearing a backpack
Supply and demand 5 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
Speech 100
Henry Behrens, the world’s then smallest man, dancing with his cat, 1956 6 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
That would be so awesome. It'd be like having a jaguar.