

38, Male, California USA
Currently employed as ER Tech.
Proud father of 2, with a long-distance Boo.
MatthewG Report User

Ah, the "shithole countries" debacle strikes again. Hidden

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I've never watched this show, but I'm assuming this is childhood-destroying. Hidden

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The floats down here are YUGE, believe me.

The floats down here are YUGE, believe me.

One of my favorite movies.

One of my favorite movies.

Master of Puppers VIDEO

Master of Puppers

Blessed picture Hidden

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Sayori, you were an angel too good for this world.

Sayori, you were an angel too good for this world.

It's not just black ****s that are bigger...

It's not just black ****s that are bigger...

Wow. Their mom sounds like a real wh0re.

Wow. Their mom sounds like a real wh0re.

That's crazy enough that it just might work!

That's crazy enough that it just might work!