

I am just a very thin layer of charming with some funny sprinkles wrapped around a huge creamy center of raging arrogant a-hole.

— Smitty Report User
Robin Williams appreciation post 2 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
Knowing him, be probably broke into Genie improv in the room.
Just for 69.99 7 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
Knowing Apple, you never know.
Hahaha funny mEmE 18 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
Lately, YouTube has been creeping me out. Apparently, it's been even more tightly integrated with Google with the share function. It's been recommending to me "People you might know!" But it's damned accurate... like how do you know? It found a couple of my writer freinds, my mom, my ex.

Like, wow Google. You're freaking me out a little. This is one of the higher ranking reasons I avoided Facebook.
1 · Edited 6 years ago
If this isn't accurate. 15 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
I'm more into the Los Santos rock, the one with Kenny Loggins as DJ. That and the pop station with the British DJ. I'd jump in and just cruise around in what I call my "Christine" car.

Granted, it looked like a muscle classic, but it was armored. I might be odd, but I'm not an idiot.
Shakespeare was really ahead of his time 2 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
That's priceless. On par with, "I can't find it on Google, but it's really delicious," and "I'll be out of the office, please contact *so and so* for translation requests."
This is the thing that really bothers me about the Switch reveal 5 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
Reveal? It's out.
A toast compadre!! 17 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
That sounds very much like an Irish toast.
Anxiety 1 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
The ellipsis of doom can go fuck itself.
Hahaha funny mEmE 18 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
People you meet online won't be strangers for long, if you both give each other a chance.
WLTH 194: you ever just rub your temples at something and wonder who let this happen 43 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
Explain this then:

"Fuck equality, you'll have to pry this unearned privilege out of my cold, dead hands."

Sounds like the statement of someone who didn't understand the ramifications of equality to me.
50 people dress up as best buy employees and get kicked out of best buy 12 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
Retail stores are not public property and entering the property for any reason other to shop is trespassing. Particularly persons dressed to impersonate the employees with the intent to decieve.

That many impersonators could provide a poor customer service experience and also presents a significant security risk. Best Buy is a company that takes security very seriously. They should have been arrested.
50 people dress up as best buy employees and get kicked out of best buy 12 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
They're lucky they didn't get arrested.
*reads while eating KFC 4 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
Worth? Yeah, I'd say in the range of about $4.95 to $8.95 a pound if it's quality.
Much higher if you're going for premium.
Every time I take a picture with my smartphone camera 4 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
Camera settings too. Not to mention "clip on" lenses you can get for most phones. It's still not pro photography, but certainly better than using just the phone.
Mr worldwide 7 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
The happiest I can remember I've been had been when I was traveling.
Legendary dragon slayer 8 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
I'd set your sight a little higher, $40 for diecast pot metal will probably snap the first time you swing it. If I'm getting a sword, I'm planning on using it.
I don't play but it's too wholesome to pass up 7 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
That's too cute. The older sibling should see about taking her to a convention so she can meet the cosplayers.
Bright eyes 4 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
And if you only hold me tight.
Just for 69.99 7 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
Three easy payments is $19.95.
The most uselessly impressive talent ever 3 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
Stunt drinking at the international bartender invitational?
FS, what do you really want to buy today? 23 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
Pick and choose your battles m8. When a thread just gets too hairy for you, just unsubscribe.

The way I look at it, most people here are good. It's just that the trolls and sometimes the tone of a conversation can bring out the worst, even in good people. I'm not claiming to be good, but I'm guilty of poor reactions too. I've met some excellent people here and made a few freinds.

There are many of you that I would absolutely seek out if there was a FScon to have a drink, lunch or dinner with.
The Food of Studio Ghibli 19 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
Before, while I did find it amusing, I did not upvote. I have now. :P
Five years ago today at 5:32 UCT, we landed on Mars after 7 Minutes of Terror. 3 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
Sometimes though, the insane plans that NASA and JPL cook up far outclass Hollywood shenanigins by leaps and bounds.

Remember when we landed probes on Mars with giant airbags? I would loved to have been there to just hear it.

Sometimes it's better to fail than to succeed 12 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
That's the other idea I had, maybe she dared him and he watched some tutorials first.
Sometimes it's better to fail than to succeed 12 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Maybe he was a sly dog in school and joined the drama club makeup department to hang out with the ladies.