Pro-Choice vs Pro-Life 98 comments
· 6 years ago
*bracing myself for downvotes*
It always completely baffles me how religion gets dragged into abortion discussions. Oh, yes, those dirty, rotten Christians trying to save the babies, how horrible of them. Since when did "I believe in Jesus" and "Let's not kill babies, kay?" become synonymous? I'm pretty sure all people of any religion (or lack thereof) can agree that killing babies is, you know, a pretty big no-no (unless you're a part of some religion that practices child sacrifice or something...??). I happen to be Christian, but that has nothing to do with why I'm pro-life. I'm pro-life because babies are cute. Like, they're little balls of cutesy smiles and wonder. Who the heck says, "I'm going to be on the team that supports killing these tiny, precious bundles of joy :D "
HOW DARE YOU?! shouts some pro-choicer.
Well, I dare because I'm "that exception case" that everyone talks about. I was a virgin, and I was raped and became pregnant. Many of my very good friends
It always completely baffles me how religion gets dragged into abortion discussions. Oh, yes, those dirty, rotten Christians trying to save the babies, how horrible of them. Since when did "I believe in Jesus" and "Let's not kill babies, kay?" become synonymous? I'm pretty sure all people of any religion (or lack thereof) can agree that killing babies is, you know, a pretty big no-no (unless you're a part of some religion that practices child sacrifice or something...??). I happen to be Christian, but that has nothing to do with why I'm pro-life. I'm pro-life because babies are cute. Like, they're little balls of cutesy smiles and wonder. Who the heck says, "I'm going to be on the team that supports killing these tiny, precious bundles of joy :D "
HOW DARE YOU?! shouts some pro-choicer.
Well, I dare because I'm "that exception case" that everyone talks about. I was a virgin, and I was raped and became pregnant. Many of my very good friends
Many of my very good friends told me I should get an abortion. I never considered it for a second because I have no right to take another's life. I now have a 3-year-old daughter that I love more than anything else in the world. If what happened to me happened to any number of other women, this innocent child would be dead right now. So to anyone who says that a woman has the right to choose whether or not to kill her baby based on convenience or circumstance, how dare YOU. A child is not responsible for the way that it came about, and it is not aware of whether or not it is convenient. The baby's choice is that it wants to live, and it is horrifying that people think they can disregard the innocent's choice.