Twenty-one year old anime aficionado, photography enthusiast, bookworm, and general practitioner of badassery.
— Jerry Baughman Report User
NANA! 13 comments
· 7 years ago
The great family of wrenches 19 comments
So Why Aren't We Funding This? 15 comments
· 8 years ago
All great ideas, however the "shazam your car" will never work. There are just too many makes and models of cars, all with their own unique engine noise, and the way each person drives causes wear of different levels in different parts of the engine. Like snowflakes, no two car sounds are exactly alike. Not only that, but a problem will sound different even if two car's engines sound EXACTLY alike, as there is no way it will break in the exact same way, doing the exact same damage. Shazam requires a perfect match, and there is no perfect match where car sounds are concerned. Until we have computers that can listen, comprehend, and rationalize like people (basically artificial intelligence), this will never happen.
So Why Aren't We Funding This? 15 comments
· 8 years ago
Even when it's overcast, it's still light outside. Where there's light, solar panels can work, albeit not with optimum efficiency. But they function just fine nonetheless.
For Eminem Lovers 3 comments
All those movies lied to me 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Right after real sticks of dynamite and giant anvils falling from the sky
Ah I remember it! 2 comments
· 8 years ago
Nintendo really deserves a place here. Regardless of their exploits of late, the NES, SNES, and N64 were wonderful consoles.
Hadouken! 10 comments
· 8 years ago
That depends entirely in which installment of Final Fantasy you're playing
This world gets dumber every year 19 comments
· 8 years ago
I vape. It's a healthier alternative to cigarettes which I have tried and failed to quit. Now, just because I vape doesn't mean that I blow it in people's faces. Quite the contrary, I don't even take a hit within 10 feet of someone unless they say they don't mind.
Some people blow vapor in others' faces and all people who vape are "pretentious douchebags". Honestly the people who hate on vaping are as bad as people who scream "racist" at every person who might happen to be born white. And as bad as every "feminist" who claims that all men sexually abuse women. Your opinions are cringe-worthy.
Some people blow vapor in others' faces and all people who vape are "pretentious douchebags". Honestly the people who hate on vaping are as bad as people who scream "racist" at every person who might happen to be born white. And as bad as every "feminist" who claims that all men sexually abuse women. Your opinions are cringe-worthy.
Die a virgin 19 comments
· 8 years ago
Not only did nobody ask, but I'm pretty sure nobody gives a flying fuck that your individual situation constitutes an apathetic reaction to the post. It's an interesting thought that I personally have never considered in the past, and even if I didn't care about it, I still wouldn't be hating on it. Chill the fuck out and keep scrolling
When you see it... 3 comments
The Official FunSubstance iOS App Is Here! 65 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm not able to log in every day so I might miss the post about the Android App being released, any chance FunSubstance can post a comment in here when that happens so I get notified?
Out with the old. In with the new 7 comments
· 8 years ago
It is the absolute worst movie I've ever seen, and by far my favorite. I've seen it so many times, best movie ever
Won't happen ever 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Well, I just got asked out for the first time in my 20 years of life, so I guess I'll see if this holds true in my case. I'll post updates here if anything interesting happens :)
Stay in school for a while longer 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Actually, Roman numerals didn't even have a 0, so with that negated you would be left with II IV, which would simply be two separate numbers, 2 and 4.
Hats off to these guys 6 comments
· 9 years ago
Many Spartan stores in Michigan (including the one I work at) have signs up informing people of the situation and of their fundraiser to send cases of water to Flint. We've sent 3 semi truck loads from our store alone so far.
More feels 20 comments
· 9 years ago
I'd like to think that he never planned to say "to here" ever, signifying his eternal love for her.
Why are we not funding these? 17 comments
· 9 years ago
Great ideas, but the shazam your car engine wouldn't work. Shazam itself doesn't pick up something that's "close" to the original, just the original, and all engines, even the ones of the same make and model, sound slightly different due to the imperfections of modern machining. We would need a much more advanced sound recognition software to bring this idea into reality.
Ricky Gervais has no chill 45 comments
· 9 years ago
I admittedly didn't read all of this, but I got to the point with the link detailing a pastor's mean salary, and I can say that while a Pastor might indeed get paid that much, a Priest, on the other hand, gets paid only enough for basic necessities of life. He lives on the campus of the church, and his work is his preaching. His home is literally the church, and to tax the church would be to require payment from a person who's pretty much doing volunteer work more or less. And this would cause the priest to no longer be able to preach, due to loss of the land, church, and home, and would thus be an infringement on the freedom of religion.
Obama 11 comments
· 9 years ago
Same. The "Oh we should all just love everybody ever, except those damn old white male politicians, fuck them" white girls of Tumblr see how he acts as a person and take that to mean he's a great president. If only our generation educated themselves on politics.
Idc how many downvotes this gets me, it needs to be said, and you can take each downvote to symbolize another of those aforementioned who's too stubborn to see their own fault
Idc how many downvotes this gets me, it needs to be said, and you can take each downvote to symbolize another of those aforementioned who's too stubborn to see their own fault