Jerry Baughman


Twenty-one year old anime aficionado, photography enthusiast, bookworm, and general practitioner of badassery.

— Jerry Baughman Report User
Finally, my fork will look so shiny 6 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
My teacher had something like this, but it said "Insert fork for natural selection"
In switzerland 16 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
This might not be correct reasoning, but Switzerland is a very small country, having just less than 1/40th of the USA population, so I'm guessing it would be a lot easier to lock up the majority of the criminals than in a country with so many people.
Dear automatic flush 1 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Put a piece of toilet paper over the sensor. Problem solved!
<3 158 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
It must be so. Something just jolted me awake, and first thing I did was look up at my computer screen.
<3 158 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Lulz, I finished my exam and fell asleep waiting for you, then just happened to wake up two minutes after you sent it
such innovation! 12 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Same here! Mine's a Nokia Lumia 900. What's yours?
And he really listens when you talk (literally) 42 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
The part of our Constitution that gives us the "right to bear arms" is in place so that, in the event that our government gets out of control, the people will have means to fight back and fix the problem. It would be like resetting the government to how it was decades ago. That is the entire reason we were given that right. If guns were taken away, our government could grow more and more corrupt, like it is now, only we would be powerless to put an end to it because almost all weapons would be held BY the government. So, long story short, you should learn the nuances of the situation, rather than the general idea, before making preconceived assumptions and throwing insults about.
And he really listens when you talk (literally) 42 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
We want universal healthcare. The problem is, they're trying to make it so that we MUST provide it for ourselves, or else they will force us to and charge us for it. Meaning that people who don't necessarily see healthcare as a necessity are being coerced into paying for something that they do not value. If it was provided by the government, like it should be, we'd have no problem. But they're trying to charge us for it, whether we want it or not. As for guns, it has been shown in multiple cases that if somebody wants to kill, they'll find a way, with or without a gun. And if guns were illegalized, there would still be guns out there, like a black market. Killers would still get guns, the only difference would be that nobody else would have them to defend themselves with. Guns are also used for hunting, which is a great way of providing your family with food cost effectively and without raising the animal in horrible conditions to be eaten.
The bravest Disney heroine I know 28 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
All good. I've been in the same situation many times, and been downvoted for something I didn't intend. Really helps to articulate your point carefully and watch your wording.
The bravest Disney heroine I know 28 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
The condescending manner in which you said "Post it somewhere relevant", just came off as abrasive.
The bravest Disney heroine I know 28 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Being correct doesn't. Being an ass does.
<3 158 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
This is awesome. I was thinking I'd only get to talk to you three days or so per week, but every single day? Now I won't be able to wait until school, rather than dreading it
<3 158 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
It will definitely take a while to read, but if you get a minute, on which days of the week will you be at school and able to talk?
<3 158 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Alright, will do. Sorry btw, I was taking a Spanish test
The bravest Disney heroine I know 28 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Yeah, she fights good.
And he really listens when you talk (literally) 42 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
There are 3.7 liters in one gallon, which would make gas in Canada $3.66 per gallon, and $0.69 per liter in the USA. But that's only if you go with mid-grade in the US. Regular unleaded is around $1.99 per gallon right now, which would come to $0.55 per liter.
<3 158 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
If your parents still have your password, I'd really rather wait until there's a more secure way to send it to you
I'm Not Jealous. I'm Envious 8 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Your scenario in which you said "Omg! she has the perfect hair, I'm soo jealous" works just fine with the word jealousy, as the primary definition of the word describes a feeling of resentment toward a rival or their success. The definition that refers to diligently guarding something would be the third definition. Don't believe me? Check here
And he really listens when you talk (literally) 42 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Obama didn't get gas to $2.50, and there have actually been talks in the government about imposing a new tax to put gas prices back where they were. As for unemployment, he is currently trying to raise minimum wage, which would cause a disequilibrium between employees needed and employees one can afford. If we get a higher minimum wage, unemployment will rise, but those who don't get laid off will make more money.
14 · Edited 10 years ago
<3 158 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
The email I have for you is [email protected]. Is this different than the one you just typed? That one's missing an "h", but that may be a typo.
Also, is there any chance of your parents seeing it and you getting into deeper shit?
· Edited 10 years ago
<3 158 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
If you'd like to sometime, you can read all about how I've been in your absence. I've got a word document with over 13,000 words in which I wrote to you every day, but didn't want to risk sending.
<3 158 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Wowww. I've had people think I was in my early twenties, but they were people I talked face to face with. They think that because of my maturity. I'm sure they'd think I was older if they couldn't see/hear me. It's actually a really common occurrence around me, and I don't hold it against her that she has doubts about my age, but she should at least trust her daughter.
<3 158 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
It very much is my fault. I got impatient and tried to talk to them, thinking I could make them like me. Funny thing is, your mom asked me how I met you, and I came up with the perfect story with a bit of truth in it that she would believe and I think she'd be okay with. But I couldn't talk to you about whether or not to go with it first, so I just stopped replying.
<3 158 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
You're still not talking? After a month? Damn, I am so fucking sorry