Twenty-one year old anime aficionado, photography enthusiast, bookworm, and general practitioner of badassery.
— Jerry Baughman Report User
reason #113 why I love her 18 comments
· 10 years ago
You can also have a boyfriend without singing about the breakup
John Green. Enough said. 31 comments
John Green. Enough said. 31 comments
· 10 years ago
Thank you so much for saying "I couldn't care less"
So many people say it as "I could care less", which means you do care, at least a little. Not many people know the proper way to say it, so kudos.
So many people say it as "I could care less", which means you do care, at least a little. Not many people know the proper way to say it, so kudos.
John Green. Enough said. 31 comments
· 10 years ago
It wasn't your being incorrect that bothered me. It was your inability to accept the fact, and amidst your eminent doom, your choosing to resort to what I can only assume was whatever gibberish happened to be passing your mind at the moment. What I enjoy above all else is an educated argument with someone I can respect, and in entering such discussions, I follow the proper code. In the event that I am proven wrong, I accept my defeat graciously, and expect my opponent to do the same. But it would appear that any semblance of etiquette is beyond rare where it used to be commonplace. And lastly, in my lamenting my dying faith in others, it was your choice to resort to sarcasm, a tool that I see much value in while being facetious, but as a last resort to inflict emotional pain, I can only describe it as childish. I'm sorry if my breaking down this entire thing upsets you in any way, but I simply feel the need to explain myself to the best of my ability in such circumstances.
John Green. Enough said. 31 comments
John Green. Enough said. 31 comments
· 10 years ago
Your sentence was using two opposing halves of respectively correct sentences. Separately, with their counterparts, they work just fine. Putting them together may seem aesthetically non-problematic, but it's simply incorrect.
John Green. Enough said. 31 comments
· 10 years ago
I think you mean "used" can be replaced BY "were a user of".
Again, any and all attempts to grammar with me will be met with complete and utter failure, I'm afraid.
Again, any and all attempts to grammar with me will be met with complete and utter failure, I'm afraid.
John Green. Enough said. 31 comments
· 10 years ago
And where, pray tell, is that even coming from? You're slightly off-context there bro.
John Green. Enough said. 31 comments
· 10 years ago
While not incorrect in and of itself, you have a conflict of tense. You said "used", being purely past tense, and then later said "would use", which is the condicional placed somewhere between present and future.
The only way to correctly state your point there would be "If you had used 100% of your brain, you would have used "their" in that sentence"
Don't try to grammar with me son.
Edited 10 years ago
The only way to correctly state your point there would be "If you had used 100% of your brain, you would have used "their" in that sentence"
Don't try to grammar with me son.
When I see a popular submission that consists of a reference I've never heard of 10 comments
· 10 years ago
*blood dripping down the wall in a cryptic message*
Edited 10 years ago
John Green. Enough said. 31 comments
· 10 years ago
At least yours was grammatically correct aside from that. Our guest, however, should have said "If you HAD used 100% of your brain, you would HAVE USED "their" in that sentence"
<3 158 comments
· 10 years ago
I've been thinking, and most of what you've seen of me is a completely new side of me. This is my first time dating, so I'm completely in new territory, and everything I do and say is new even to me. I've never said these types of things before. But that also means you don't really know the regular side of me, like how I act around friends. The hilarious side of me. Because we're dating, I phrase everything differently. I don't try as hard to be funny, and looking back, much of what I've said has been bland. This stuff just generally comes easer when I talk over the phone or in person. So if and when I end up seeing you, I might act a little differently than you'd expect. I hope this doesn't change the way you think of me, but I also really want to let you get to know who I really am. And I want to know what you're like too.
<3 158 comments
· 10 years ago
There you go, turning an unfavorable situation to your advantage.
I guess I'll just have to work on letting what I did go. If I really think about it, they didn't deserve any of the money, but it was still stealing. It's funny, I think about others doing it, and I can't think poorly of them at all. But I do it, and I realize it affects the one doing it more than others. Probably like with what happened to you. I don't think it was bad at all, but I wasn't the one doing it. Probably affected you more.
I guess I'll just have to work on letting what I did go. If I really think about it, they didn't deserve any of the money, but it was still stealing. It's funny, I think about others doing it, and I can't think poorly of them at all. But I do it, and I realize it affects the one doing it more than others. Probably like with what happened to you. I don't think it was bad at all, but I wasn't the one doing it. Probably affected you more.
<3 158 comments
· 10 years ago
As for mine, let's see..........
I was raising money for my class's trip to Washington D.C, but none of my classmates were bringing in anything. All money made by each student would be evenly split among the class. I was getting TONS of donations, and they were all being lazy cause they knew their rich parents would cover everything else. I couldn't stand how unfair it was, so I kept some of the money I made for myself. I thought they didn't deserve it, so I just kept it. I was making so much, nobody noticed. And that, I feel like shit about to this day.
I was raising money for my class's trip to Washington D.C, but none of my classmates were bringing in anything. All money made by each student would be evenly split among the class. I was getting TONS of donations, and they were all being lazy cause they knew their rich parents would cover everything else. I couldn't stand how unfair it was, so I kept some of the money I made for myself. I thought they didn't deserve it, so I just kept it. I was making so much, nobody noticed. And that, I feel like shit about to this day.
<3 158 comments
· 10 years ago
Is that really why you feel so bad? Trust me, this isn't even close to a big deal. I've hit people before too, once my cousin, and once some kid who was bullying a friend of mine. There are often reasons for violence in such situations, times where it cannot be avoided. And even if it wasn't necessary, acting in the heat of the moment is not something I'd condemn anyone for.
As for cutting off her ponytail.....that's fucking hilarious! I've wanted to do stuff like that all the time, but here you've actually had the courage to get shit done! Damn that's awesome, I bet she deserved it. But it didn't do any lasting harm to her, so there is no reason to feel bad about it
As for cutting off her ponytail.....that's fucking hilarious! I've wanted to do stuff like that all the time, but here you've actually had the courage to get shit done! Damn that's awesome, I bet she deserved it. But it didn't do any lasting harm to her, so there is no reason to feel bad about it
<3 158 comments
· 10 years ago
You have given me no reason to assume otherwise.
Tell you what. Give me one reason, one example, showing why you don't think you're a good person. I can almost guarantee it's not as big a deal as you think, and there is no way it will change how I think of you. If anything, it will make me love you even more, for being able to share something about yourself that you're not proud of. If it would help, I could go first
Tell you what. Give me one reason, one example, showing why you don't think you're a good person. I can almost guarantee it's not as big a deal as you think, and there is no way it will change how I think of you. If anything, it will make me love you even more, for being able to share something about yourself that you're not proud of. If it would help, I could go first
<3 158 comments
· 10 years ago
See? That right there is why you're such a fucking awesome person. You are completely selfless in nearly every situation, despite how you're treated. The mark of a truly good person.
I am beginning to wonder if I even deserve someone like you
I am beginning to wonder if I even deserve someone like you
<3 158 comments
· 10 years ago
I can't really focus on writing that fanfic during school anyway. I'm mainly offering input based on the others' ideas.
Sounds like you've got a good relationship with the local vendors, but you'd think they'd have a better deal for such a devoted customer....
Sounds like you've got a good relationship with the local vendors, but you'd think they'd have a better deal for such a devoted customer....
<3 158 comments
· 10 years ago
No, you're never a bother to me. That stuff is just what I do in my spare time, like when I'm waiting to talk to you. You're the most important part of my day, they can wait until later.
Edited 10 years ago
<3 158 comments
· 10 years ago
It's good that you've gotten your schoolwork back on track, but eating is more important than even that. It's probably pretty annoying hearing stuff like that from me, so I'll leave you alone about that.
I can't believe you've got a turn table! My dad has one, but it needs a new needle. We have a lot of vinyls too, and I've always wanted to use them
Edited 10 years ago
I can't believe you've got a turn table! My dad has one, but it needs a new needle. We have a lot of vinyls too, and I've always wanted to use them