Jerry Baughman


Twenty-one year old anime aficionado, photography enthusiast, bookworm, and general practitioner of badassery.

— Jerry Baughman Report User
Companion eyes 38 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Well, my point still stands that it's possible to reason with people calmly and that you really didn't need to act like a dick in the first place, plus the fact that your explanation hardly does anything to justify doing so, but yes. I've been ready to put this shit in the past for a few hours now.
Companion eyes 38 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Wow. What a dick.
While I'll admit I may have gotten a bit carried away in my animosity towards the two lesser companions, it doesn't denote me to be an unreasonable person. By simply imploring that I cease my tirade, your request could've been met with absolutely no ill will from either of us. Apparently you'd rather be a dick though. I mean, I'm done and wasn't gonna keep commenting about it anyway, but still. No need to be a dick about it.
Companion eyes 38 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
That's all well and good, but when their persona nearly made me want to stop watching the show, you've gotta think they could've gone about that a little better. I mean, even when Donna wasn't fucking up and is actually getting along with the Doctor, her personality just seemed bitchy nonstop and I couldn't fucking stand it. When somebody's personality grates on my mind, I really couldn't give a shit about what they're supposed to represent anymore. I just want them gone.
Companion eyes 38 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Doctor: "Rose, don't do this"
Rose: *does it*
Doctor: "Rose, c'mon"
Rose: *does it again*
Rose: *cries about problems caused by doing it*
Doctor: *fixes all the shit*
Rose: "Sorry Doctor, but now I know not to do the thing"
Rose: *Does it again in the next episode*
I know this is an unpopular opinion, as most people invariably love Rose, but compared to Donna, I think she's awesome. Donna is the fucking worst.
I really like Clara and Amelia, and Martha was at least useful. Rose....meh, I can live with her. But Donna, no. I fucking hate that bitch.
Words of warning 27 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
It's a scientifically proven fact that everyone who has died drank water during their life. Coincidence?
Companion eyes 38 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
The whole universe knows you've got a cock Harkness, mainly due to the fact that you've probably fucked half of it
Companion eyes 38 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
And she was always fucking shit up too.
Dream man 24 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
I know right, patootie? That's not even a word
Verrrrryyy important!! 16 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Satan having a good time
I see my destiny unfold before me 13 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
I'm disappointed that there are no puns in there....
Every time I'm installing something 4 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
I thought I was the only one
hmmmmmmmm 10 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
I propose the new months
Monober (mono=1)
Duober (duo=2)
Tricember (tri=3)
Cuadrober (cuad=4)
Quintember (quint=5)
Hexober (hex=6)
Heptember (hept=7)
October (oct=8)
November (non=9)
December (dec=10)
Hendober (hendecagon=11 sided polygon)
Dodecember (dodecagon=12 sided polygon)
3 · Edited 10 years ago
Class shouldn't be determined by just your looks 27 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Lol too bad :)
Class shouldn't be determined by just your looks 27 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Video game merch does make up a good portion of what I wear. I've also got anime and movie merch :)
Priorities: They're important 5 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Right, my bad
A picture under the Mackinaw Bridge in Michigan 9 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
I stood directly in the center, as in the photo, and had one foot in Lake Michigan and one foot in Lake Huron
Kira lives 13 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
We won't be needing a dentist. He'll be dead in a few seconds anyway
(I hope everyone gets the Death Note reference in the post, cause if not my comment is pointless)
14 · Edited 10 years ago
I am like... What am I doing with my life 36 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Even if they weren't talking before, she's made a ton from Youtube as well, so they both have money
24 · Edited 10 years ago
Yes please do.. 115 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Captain Jack sheds only the manliest of tears
Just a bro's thing 53 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Think of it this way: Girls can get away with a lot more than guys can. If a guy walked up and said "Yeah, you're my girlfriend now", it would come off as creepy and arrogant. If a girl says it, it makes you exude confidence and isn't odd in the slightest.
This thought came across me whilst re watching the series 20 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Plus there's Zuko as the Blue Spirit. He's a total badass even when he's not using his bending.
Just a bro's thing 53 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Anyone who thinks you're a bad girlfriend can shut the fuck up, you're perfect
Just a bro's thing 53 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Hints definitely don't work. Wanna know how my girlfriend told me she liked me? She said "Yeah, you're my boyfriend now". And it fucking worked.
Batty 7 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Is it bad that the six missing Na's above the Batfan are really bothering me?
3 · Edited 10 years ago
I hate making title. 11 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Legolas needs no helmet!