Twenty-one year old anime aficionado, photography enthusiast, bookworm, and general practitioner of badassery.
— Jerry Baughman Report User
Mathematician's joke 9 comments
· 9 years ago
The bartender asks if everyone wants a drink, but one person can't speak for the other two, so he says "I don't know". Same for the second. If either of the first two hadn't wanted one, they could have responded "No, not everyone wants a drink", but they didn't, indicating that they did but they weren't sure about the others. The third, having heard their responses signifying that they did, in fact, want a drink, was able to answer that yes, everyone wants a drink.
Edited 9 years ago
Childhood ruined 27 comments
· 9 years ago
At first I thought you were dead wrong, but a further wikipedia search validated both our claims.
Childhood ruined 27 comments
Football* 12 comments
Everyone has cooties thanks bye 24 comments
· 9 years ago
Furthermore, one cannot even successfully visit Jupiter, as it is a jovian planet and has no surface. You'd simply fall through to the core. My final argument is that whoever wrote this in the first place should follow the advice of the women they're writing about, as "more stupider" is a grammatical travesty.
Mattress fight 9 comments
· 9 years ago
Well, to be fair, they can be a little gay......
Dark Humor. Warning. 53 comments
· 9 years ago
Q: What's funnier than a dead baby?
A: A dead baby in a clown suit.
Q: How do you make a baby float?
A: Add a cup of root beer and two scoops of ice cream.
A: A dead baby in a clown suit.
Q: How do you make a baby float?
A: Add a cup of root beer and two scoops of ice cream.
You can buy a Japanese cherry blossom scented Pokémon bath bomb with a surprise Pokémon 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
I'm an atheist and I can't think of another world leader I like 31 comments
· 9 years ago
Very well, it would appear that you are a more skilled diplomat and have more patience than I. You have my respect bro.
I'm an atheist and I can't think of another world leader I like 31 comments
· 9 years ago
Quite frankly, every kid I've met who wasn't spanked thinks nothing of their parents. So yeah, using spanking as a form of punishment not only helps teach the kid right from wrong, but also of humility and respect. I'm not saying it's always necessary, but when used correctly, it isn't a bad thing. Not every kid would benefit from being spanked, but there are those for whom it is the best option. And it's not necessarily the parents' fault the kid turned out that way. Upbringing has a major effect on how a kid acts, but there are certain things that cannot be controlled. I cannot support anything this guest says because of the position of their viewpoint. They speak like a person who has not experienced this firsthand. Or maybe they did and their parents went overboard. Regardless, they are letting their own experience get in the way of formulating an objective viewpoint, and as such I cannot take seriously a single word coming from their ignorant mouth. You should do the same, Tyler
I'm an atheist and I can't think of another world leader I like 31 comments
· 9 years ago
The spanking was merely the form of communication, since kids won't listen to words. I know, I was one, and I turned out just fine because my parents were good enough to punish me the right way.
I'm an atheist and I can't think of another world leader I like 31 comments
· 9 years ago
Kids do stupid shit. They just do. And they know what they're doing is wrong too. I was a kid, and when I fucked up, I knew the whole time that I shouldn't have been doing whatever it was. So yeah, I was spanked as a kid, but I was a hell of a lot less likely to do that stupid shit again, and because of that, I had a lot more respect for my parents than most kids do. And it really pisses me off when people say that kids only act that way because of how their parents raised them. Now throwing a tantrum, that's different. I may have been a dumb kid, but I was never dumb enough to do that shit, so that does have to do with how a kid was raised. But no matter how good you are at bringing up kids, they will do stupid shit, and it really helps to let them know it's stupid in a way they'll understand and respond to. I didn't stop because I was afraid of being spanked again. I stopped because I saw that it pained my parents, whom I loved.
When someone asks an extremely stupid question 7 comments
· 9 years ago
To answer the question that someone will undoubtedly ask, this anime is Attack on Titan
legit 23 comments
· 9 years ago
No, I do like rap, it just has to be the right rap. There is a lot of it that I absolutely hate.
legit 23 comments
· 9 years ago
MCR and Disney are both amazing! My music taste pretty much encompasses everything except country and rap, though I do like rap from Linkin Park and Calí y el Dandee
Once in the army, always in the army 4 comments
Sharing is caring you know 11 comments
Sharing is caring you know 11 comments
· 10 years ago
I read all seven books thinking it was pronounced "McGongall", until I watched the first movie and realized I was missing an a and a syllable "McGonagall"
School's Propaganda Against E-Cigs 5 comments
· 10 years ago
You can get a little one for around $20, but I got a mechanical mod and RDA for about $60 total. Hell of a lot better than when I used to smoke cigarettes.
To all the girls out there - treat your boyfriend nicely. 58 comments
· 10 years ago
This is all well and good, but ironically Lexi, I feel that it's the opposite in our situation. If this was entirely based off looks, I can't see anyone questioning why I'd choose you, but I can think of many, many people who would (and actually do) wonder why you chose me.