Wake Up 51 comments
· 10 years ago
I wonder what you'd have to do to get a "B" 4 comments
Gorgeous. 4 comments
· 10 years ago
I thought it's said scary painting instead of spray painting. I was like "Nope, nope, not really scaring me". Then I realized I misread.
Happy Martian Luther King Day 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Is it just me or does that alien look like it's on A History Channel show saying "Humans".
Hate it when the door is sealed 11 comments
I present to you: China's abandoned Disneyland 18 comments
Santa follows you on instagram 6 comments
· 10 years ago
You look at their Instagram pictures. It's a Santa wish list with clothes and a bible on the list.
yep 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Or are you? On the next episode of myth busters we will see if orgyofevidence is a human.
Edited 10 years ago
Put Starbucks out of buisness 9 comments
High school track team's stars photo 17 comments
only time will tell 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Sunday by Rebecca black. Also she is thinking of releasing Monday later this year.
Are you stupid or stupid? 12 comments
I would LOVE that movie. 33 comments
· 10 years ago
Wait a second. WTF!
"Bans Doritos... Number one cause of NATURAL DISASTERS."
Can someone explain? Not to be picky but I was a little confused. Like somebody opens a pack of Doritos in Oregon and all of the sudden a hurricane comes in and wipes out South Florida. Lol.
"Bans Doritos... Number one cause of NATURAL DISASTERS."
Can someone explain? Not to be picky but I was a little confused. Like somebody opens a pack of Doritos in Oregon and all of the sudden a hurricane comes in and wipes out South Florida. Lol.
He is so plump oh my goodness 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Rocket? Rocket is that you? You must have ate a lot in the depression of groot taking a long time to revive.
High school track team's stars photo 17 comments
Oh how the tables have turned! 11 comments
Bury me with my bones 13 comments
· 10 years ago
"Come here children"
*pups come closer"
"What are your last words father"
"The golden bones... They are hiiiddddeeeen...."
"Hurry tell us, tell us"
"Under the..." *dies*
There were no golden bones, trolldog strikes again.
*pups come closer"
"What are your last words father"
"The golden bones... They are hiiiddddeeeen...."
"Hurry tell us, tell us"
"Under the..." *dies*
There were no golden bones, trolldog strikes again.
More pockets 12 comments
The face of happiness 3 comments
· 10 years ago
This must be a mixed breed because Shiba inus won't even look at a bathtub
Edited 10 years ago
Are you stupid or stupid? 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Mr. Turner then commented to the scientist beside him: "Cee! Me is undumber then yoo!"