Kitten got back from the vet 2 comments
· 9 years ago
It's so adorable *sheds a single tear*
Hand me my gun! 56 comments
I G G Y 21 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm so fancy
You already know
I'm in the fast lane
From L.A. to Tokyo
I'm so fancy
Can't you taste this gold?
Remember my name
'Bout to blow
You already know
I'm in the fast lane
From L.A. to Tokyo
I'm so fancy
Can't you taste this gold?
Remember my name
'Bout to blow
Let's play russian roulette! 23 comments
· 10 years ago
shot fired... at bing...and every other websites....boom...?
-waits for dislikes for weird unneeded comment-
-waits for dislikes for weird unneeded comment-
damn, son. 13 comments
All my friends 9 comments
· 10 years ago
My friend I know today was born in the room beside me. We were side by side in the baby room. Her name -will be put in NSFW with the pic link as title-. We were in the same 2nd an 5th grade class. We sit by each other at lunch. We are going to marry twin brothers.Get married in the sanctuary.Go on the same honey moon.Live in the same house with matching french bulldogs. The difference between us is that she has more bad rumors about her than I do. I have like 1 :)
Stan IS Satan 9 comments
It's a Puggle Wuggle 10 comments