

2012goes Report User

Never before seen photo of Navy SEAL Team Six operators making their way towards Osama

Never before seen photo of Navy SEAL Team Six operators making their way towards Osama

This is creepy af

This is creepy af

But it can’t be canon!!

But it can’t be canon!!

Renuni and Janino

Renuni and Janino

Stalin every time he went to sleep be like

Stalin every time he went to sleep be like

You seen Kermit the frog but have you seen Kermit the Dinosaur

You seen Kermit the frog but have you seen Kermit the Dinosaur

The bag is free, friends!

The bag is free, friends!

But champagne is OK

But champagne is OK

Miss clicking in Minecraft be like

Miss clicking in Minecraft be like

Pizza shop owner is one of the good ones

Pizza shop owner is one of the good ones