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Incredible timing. Kenya 787 (38000 ft) with Austrian A 320 (29000 ft) By George Beneš

Incredible timing. Kenya 787 (38000 ft) with Austrian A 320 (29000 ft) By George Beneš

Found this painted rock in the woods today

Found this painted rock in the woods today

Dukes up Mr. Feeny

Dukes up Mr. Feeny

Hummingbird and bees sharing water by Toshiyasu Morita

Hummingbird and bees sharing water by Toshiyasu Morita

Smooth brain

Smooth brain

Looking last year's Sunday strips... This guy predicted 2020 perfectly

Looking last year's Sunday strips... This guy predicted 2020 perfectly

Two's a crowd in isolation

Two's a crowd in isolation

Doggo of good health is back, make sure to exercice

Doggo of good health is back, make sure to exercice

Man of culture Hidden

Not safe for work

Fortunately, he thinks he met with them

Fortunately, he thinks he met with them