

ragnarok Report User
Fog from an elevated viewpoint 2 comments
69muz69 · 9 years ago
That's fogged up
The way this grass grew through an aloe plant 7 comments
69muz69 · 9 years ago
The grass just wanted to say.. a-loe...
can't get much loe-er than that
People these days! 3 comments
69muz69 · 9 years ago
What if we just have a genetic condition such that we will turn into a werewolf on the dark side of the moon
3*7 Plane Drivers 68 comments
69muz69 · 9 years ago
Dark red sq root 25
Oh the irony 6 comments
69muz69 · 9 years ago
The white hat looks shocked lol
Pisses me off a bit 27 comments
69muz69 · 9 years ago
Social media is more open in the US... alot more americans use all these social media sites and are quite open about their everyday lives on it... the media has a big role to play in the publicizing of these kinda things.. yet no one ever notices it
It's worth fighting for 9 comments
69muz69 · 9 years ago
The speech itself .. is sam's monologue at the end of lotr the two towers... great speech.. love lotr
Frozen is overrated 24 comments
69muz69 · 9 years ago
Honestly frozen is more popular because it premiered in an age when social media is at a high point... if we only go back 4-5 years.. social media didn't have the worldwide reach as it did when frozen came out.. so that contributed to it... if there was the tech when mulan and tangled and everything else premiered.. i am sure it would make frozen look like what it really is... a crappy movie
If bald celebrities had hair 14 comments
69muz69 · 9 years ago
Does jason statham have jared padalecki's hair??
When you try to get your hand into a Pringles can 7 comments
69muz69 · 9 years ago
That's what she said ;)
We all have choices to make, don't blame your actions on your 17 comments
69muz69 · 9 years ago
Is that bobby shmurda???
Take a moment 11 comments
69muz69 · 9 years ago
I think this theory is becoming more and more false by the second... due to the amount of selfies that are being taken by people... people know what they look like in real... trust me
This drawing looks so good 8 comments
69muz69 · 9 years ago
Brazzers template needed #petit
He Didn't Even Notice 5 comments
69muz69 · 9 years ago
His wife smells like dog :/
Me tryna get a gf like 11 comments
69muz69 · 9 years ago
E is for everything else
Eerie superhero posters 28 comments
69muz69 · 9 years ago
Batman just there..... looking normal... maybe even brighter lol
Eerie superhero posters 28 comments
69muz69 · 9 years ago
Spiderman thoughhh
YES 4 comments
69muz69 · 9 years ago
No one got the hammer - thor reference. . :/
YES 4 comments
69muz69 · 9 years ago
Turn him into a flee .. a tiny little flea.. and then put that flea in a box.. and then put that box into another box and then mail that box to myself.. and then SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER
7 · Edited 9 years ago
New Russian "ZIL" vehicle 11 comments
69muz69 · 10 years ago
Does it come in black? ?
Trix 23 comments
69muz69 · 10 years ago
This post is cool .. as it assumes that the younger generation do not use funsubstamce hahahaha
Male fox vs. Female fox 10 comments
69muz69 · 10 years ago
What does the fox say?? Lol
OMG that flashing! 7 comments
69muz69 · 10 years ago
Anyone see that side boob... niceee
What Paris Looked Like As 1 Million People March Against Terror 61 comments
69muz69 · 10 years ago
And you say blah blah blah... cuz you know what I am saying is trueeeeeee... people need more respect in this world... I don't give a fuck what your religious belief is.. if there is any at all... but we don't say anything about you... don't you dear criticize our religion..
What Paris Looked Like As 1 Million People March Against Terror 61 comments
69muz69 · 10 years ago
You people do as if muslim people aren't being attacked by these terrorists too... 12 ppl died in france.. how much thousands died in iraq syria egypt gaza... muslim ppl... anyone remember the school that was blown up .. 178 muslim children died...no one gives a fuck about them.. gues they not as important... 12 arrogant editors and what 3 police died.. everyone in an uproar... this terrorism thing is not only affecting white ppl christian ppl ... it is affecting everyone especially muslims... and as I understand. . The newspaper print the comic a third effing time.. which just proves my point... they are arrogant self centered people... and I say it again.. I am not taking the side of the terrorists... I am condemning both the terrorists and the editors... both are wrong... why print it .. it makes noooo sense.. don't say anything about taking a stand for your rights... bullshit.. one you do it.. riot.. twice you do it people died... three times... what the hell you expect may happen