Important news 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Digestive system 17 comments
· 8 years ago
In order: teeth (molars), tongue, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbadder (these three function in sorting out what is done with what comes into your body), appendix is hanging off the side, and then small and large intestine (colon) are by the toilet
Seriously -_- 8 comments
· 8 years ago
Honestly, I had never played Pokémon before my life before Pokémon Go, but just being on this website was education enough to understand the basics/references/how it works
Edited 8 years ago
The first 10,000 digits of pi illustrated 12 comments
Sounds very convincing 23 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm voting for her in the next election only because I don't want Trump or Carson to win
Mysterious round holes in russia 31 comments
· 9 years ago
I KNOW WHAT THESE ARE some time ago Russia was trying to dig to the center of the Earth. They got pretty deep, like a few km, but they had to stop because they ran out of funding. Look it up
sO many video games and pop tarts 11 comments
Obama solved overpopulation 8 comments
This is the parent I aspire to be. 7 comments
Accurate life progression for most in America 3 comments
· 9 years ago
Me when I'm 20: I hope a Mercedes hits me so I can pay off this student debt
We choose it 6 comments
· 9 years ago
To believe you choose you emotions is to believe you have free will. To believe you don't choose your emotions is to believe that you don't have free will. Neurochemistry: you can't take some parts without the others
A real reason to fight 42 comments
· 9 years ago
Oh. Okay. Then he's Mexican. Alright everybody! Mexico's cool with us invading them!
Everybody: yayyyyyy
Yeah! This one guy over here said we should and he's Mexican. He also says to 'kill all the people that are making that country shit.' Weird. Why would he use the word 'that' in referring to his own country? Whatever, he's Mexican, so obviously Mexicans want us to take over Mexico. I guess just use you best judgement in finding the shitty people? See someone who looks at you the wrong way or who once committed a robbery and just blow 'em to bits or shoot 'em. Obviously we don't need a court of law or clearly defined morals for justice, right? Just kill whoever you think is bad like you're God, because basically we are, right? Or, wait? Does that sound extremely ethnocentric, egotistical, and white supremacist of us? Well, a 'Mexican' did tell us to, so let's conquer Mexico everybody and 'justifyably' kill some shitty people!
Everybody: yayyyyyy
Yeah! This one guy over here said we should and he's Mexican. He also says to 'kill all the people that are making that country shit.' Weird. Why would he use the word 'that' in referring to his own country? Whatever, he's Mexican, so obviously Mexicans want us to take over Mexico. I guess just use you best judgement in finding the shitty people? See someone who looks at you the wrong way or who once committed a robbery and just blow 'em to bits or shoot 'em. Obviously we don't need a court of law or clearly defined morals for justice, right? Just kill whoever you think is bad like you're God, because basically we are, right? Or, wait? Does that sound extremely ethnocentric, egotistical, and white supremacist of us? Well, a 'Mexican' did tell us to, so let's conquer Mexico everybody and 'justifyably' kill some shitty people!
yes 12 comments
· 9 years ago
In existentialism, this is considered something that all humans revel in: the fact that we are so clearly defined by our past, and yet are able to be anything at all in the future. Being both defined and undefined at the same time makes us God-like, according to existential philosophers.
The moment you realise this isn't photoshopped 10 comments
A real reason to fight 42 comments
· 9 years ago
No way are you Mexican. You scream white Ameircan. Who else has that domineering "we're better than you, so therefore we're going to 'liberate' you" attitude?" I say this as a white American myself, and trust me, I know one when I see one.
Why you should appreciate your life 17 comments
Hello darkness my old friend 51 comments
Hello darkness my old friend 51 comments
Get tough in tough situation 4 comments
Leg spasms while sleeping 5 comments