User abrnrd Banned

Shuffle 6 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
In case you want to change up the floor you were planning on going to
Heaven for ocd people 46 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
I hate it how people think this is OCD when really OCD is a mental disease that can be very hard to live with. Some people need a reality check cuz being OCD is not just having to have every thing clean all the time, that's called being anal
My Wardrobe... 27 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
I have that problem too
My Wardrobe... 27 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Every single morning
How the movie industry works nowadays 39 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
No not Iron Giant! Iron Giant was the bestest
A very nice co-worker gift 8 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
These feels tho 41 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Why'd you have to do this to me? I was having a good day until this
SERIOUSLY!!! 3 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
And the knowledge that you will always be our hero xD
She was so pretty and innocent 27 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Omg that's so cool you went to school with her
The Suspense is UnBearable 21 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
They hunt bears because the male bears eat the cubs and they are trying to keep the bear population from going extinct! I know this but I just am obsessed with bears and teddy bears! So you know what they don't sell bear at Burger King! Get over it! I don't need you telling me the circle of life cuz I learned that in 3rd grade! Stepiiap69 I know this but can't I be sad about a dead bear or is it not right to be because I ate fucking chicken for dinner last night!These are not self-righteous I think you are being self-righteous commenting that stepiiap69
The Suspense is UnBearable 21 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
But but ... It was a bear *sobbing intensely* I hope that other bear tears them to shreds
Understanding women 4 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Its a 12 year old boy! I'm a 15 year ok'd girl and i have worse handwriting
BEST faceswap ever 8 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Mixed feelings
Why? 4 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
That husky with his little husky always makes me laugh so hard for some reason
Photoshopping out bad influences 15 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Are you British guest? I gather this info from "I actually just snorted a bit of tea as I laughed" sounds like a British sentence to me:)
Internet sensation 6 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
That's so sad
Being in America and seeing a picture of someone with their Kinder egg 24 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
It's a HUGE DEAL as an American
Your tent had a hole so we sealed it for you 5 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
The first guys like wtf the middle on is like haha and the last one is like holy shit were in trouble now
Sister 5 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Love bear xD
My dating life 2 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Omg I just got that! Thanks futurama
I can't be the only one who thinks this is wrong 52 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
They got banned because the small toys inside then are a choking hazard and there's an act in The food drug and cosmetic act from 1938 saying that no item that is not food can be inside food.
One of the best movie lines ever 7 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Ya I don't even know. Trying to be smooth but it got rough
That look on the squirrel's face 5 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Hand caught in the cookie jar
Cuter than the lion 21 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
A great long-time prank 6 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
They always call the cops! It's hilarious