User abrnrd Banned

When you see it... 18 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Took me a solid 5 minutes to figure out
I'm 23 and took an hour drive with my parents 13 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
I'll never recover from that
Wedding crashers 7 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Awww shucks thx tho! I won't repost again
invading cats - in love with the bad 12 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
I think so
Open heart surgery 59 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Looking to put this somewhere 4 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Her face is a look of sheer terror
invading cats - in love with the bad 12 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Whoever made this is a blessing from above
Early class 5 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
He knows how to make a quality breakfast
Your life hasn't been completed until you see giraffes fighting 15 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Life is completed
Not sure if racist or... 42 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Best loop I've ever seen 3 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
God bless you for this magnificent mesmerizing loop
Peter's friends betray him 7 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Peter had it coming
This selfie made me tingle 11 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
How do you get up there? I'm in awe
Becoming a new dad 3 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
That's so beautiful and it's 5th edition I heard that edition was discontinued how'd he get his hands on 5th edition
Hulk smash 2 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Hulk angry *said in hulk voice*
You are who you see 43 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Nanananananana batman! That's who I saw first
Fancy talking 10 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
I got a coatch purse
The she wolf comes out 5 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Shakira and Milan are adorable
My Wardrobe... 27 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
I feel ya
Shuffle 6 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
I wish I could like your comment repeatdley
My Wardrobe... 27 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Same! Purple white and gray :/
Heaven for ocd people 46 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Well that's not my point! Just check yourself before you wreck yourself
Heaven for ocd people 46 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Blah blah my older brother has real ocd
Heaven for ocd people 46 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Thank you my exact point! Kudos to you guest
Better than nothing. 7 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
You're all pretty in my eyes