User abrnrd Banned

It got very dark, very fast 13 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Well.. That escalated quickly
I immediately regret not doing this as a child 16 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Genius child genius!!
Happiness is what matters... 67 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Wow that's amazing:)
They were separated at birth 3 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Pablo is that you?!?
Eyebrows & mustache 15 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Eyebrows and mustache make all the difference
Thank you captain obvious 5 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Are you sure cuz i heard that was pretty uncommon to find a dead guy in a cemetery
I decided to quit 2 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
How can you quit reading?!? You have no soul
Creation of the internet 1 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Heavenly music plays from above
Shocking realization 7 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Shocking realization 7 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Then you aren't going to come for weeks
Mario's mom 4 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Poor Luigi!
We Haven't Been Back Since 1972 9 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Don't worry I'll come and visit you tomorrow morning! Catch up just like the good old days!
Shocking realization 7 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Someone call the fire department on this burn
Must not let them know 12 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Can we play Texas hold'em cuz that's my favorite game to play!
Importance of hair 11 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Stop these unreal leg hair model standards
Cat bar 5 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Umm human where is my gourmet meal? Hell no! I said gourmet meal not that friskies shit
Please tell my you agree 12 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
That would be a looked forward to holiday special!
M. Night is at it Again 4 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Saltlakesnark, you should go into the movie business
new best friends 1 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Who wore it better?!?
Must not let them know 12 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
I'll play poker with you. I love poker
If it fits it sits 31 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
I've run out of room on my ginormous book shelf :p
weird thing about America 52 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
When you walk across the street where there's no crosswalk or place to cross. So crossing the street in a random place. I've actually gotten in trouble for it before but didn't like get arrested or anything
8 · Edited 10 years ago
Cuteness over 9000 15 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Cuteness over 9000 15 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Who's Sasha? I donut get this cosplay? Someone please enlighten me on who Sasha is? But this little girl is adorable!
Thor to Iron Man 14 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
No you are not whining like that!