Its not ,believe him 2 comments
· 4 years ago
Wow Bob. This is hilarious. I also hate my wife. How is Brenda and the kids?
Froggo Fun #203 - Frogschach 10 comments
Not the doggos 5 comments
· 4 years ago
I thought about this recently
I think it's because when a person dies in a movie we all subconsciously know that it's an actor playing a character. (Character) isn't dying because (character) isn't real.
But we see a dog as a dog. And it's sad when a dog dies.
I think it's because when a person dies in a movie we all subconsciously know that it's an actor playing a character. (Character) isn't dying because (character) isn't real.
But we see a dog as a dog. And it's sad when a dog dies.
Relatable 9 comments
· 4 years ago
I've never felt bad for the company. I feel bad for the people at work who have to pick up my slack.
All hail Fire Lord Scomo 4 comments
· 5 years ago
The Australian Prime Minister is doing absolutely nothing while the country is being burned alive by bushfires. For those who don't know.
My picnic now 3 comments
· 5 years ago
His fur? Whack! His roar? Whack! The way he hibernates? Whack! Me? I'm tight as FUCK!
Tickets to hell sold here 1 comments
Saw this and it's to wholesome not to share 2 comments
A purr that could move mountains 3 comments
I`m already pregnant 4 comments
Veteran pet namer 1 comments
· 5 years ago
10 years ago my family got a dog and called him Archie. 2 weeks ago we decided that Archie was short for Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Sometimes, you can't control your reaction! 14 comments
· 6 years ago
Appropriate using Schwazenegger considering he looks like the fucking predator
Here lies.. 92 comments
· 6 years ago
Here lies Hamish. He was a great guy at once but I didnt think it would ever get to me again but he said I would be happy with the same time if you were going out for a bit but I'm sure you guys are doing a great time