I love you all <3


Just a girl obsessed with things... just like the rest of the Funsubstance family

— I love you all <3 Report User
Poor josh 9 comments
adropintheocean · 11 years ago
He's 5'7", the same height as Jennifer. Except she's wearing heels...
Endless rain 19 comments
adropintheocean · 11 years ago
Hellooo Doctor.
On/Off 12 comments
adropintheocean · 11 years ago
Was it the sheep with the mask on or whatever? Because I saw a cover of that DVD at Blockbuster a few years ago. It looked pretty bad but I don't know if that was the name. (Guessing it is because it was in the horror section and how many scary movies about sheep can there be?)
It's spreading! 22 comments
adropintheocean · 11 years ago
Magic 25 comments
adropintheocean · 11 years ago
8 of spades...
when a gif doesn't move 2 comments
adropintheocean · 11 years ago
It's be funnier if this gif didn't move.
when the teacher picks you out for doing the best work in class 22 comments
adropintheocean · 11 years ago
Yes! Finally someone who understands! When there's a raffle or something or even me answering a question in class I get so nervous it's kind of embarassing. Everyone else wants to win and I'm just there like 'don't pick me, don't pick me, DO NOT pick me dear god'
makin my way to hell 11 comments
adropintheocean · 11 years ago
Reminds me of the scene in Gremlins when the power goes crazy and the chair starts going up the stairs really fast with the old woman.
Imagine finishing your drink and seeing this at the bottom of the cup... 11 comments
adropintheocean · 11 years ago
If I still made the mugs in school, I'd put this at the bottom and give it to someone I hate.
People Helping Animals 17 comments
adropintheocean · 11 years ago
The fox looks so happy! He's smiling!
adropintheocean · 11 years ago
I've heard yellow is the worst, though. It sends an electric charge from your phone to your hand and it electrocutes you. I've heard a few rare cases where people died, but mostly it just leads to brain damage. Sad, really. So DON'T PAINT YOUR PHONES ANYTHING BUT BLUE, okay guys?
How to spot an a*shole in a museum. 33 comments
adropintheocean · 11 years ago
It's not really being an a*shole, it's just disrespectful. Someone worked hard on that (no matter how simple it is) and you shouldn't try to challenge them. It's their art.
Downloading faster using gravity 6 comments
adropintheocean · 11 years ago
Dat smile tho...
Injecting bubble wrap with paint… 18 comments
adropintheocean · 11 years ago
Poor bloke. 21 comments
adropintheocean · 11 years ago
By the way, it's fine if you don't agree because there is no argue that SOME of his deeds were brave, noble, and heroic, not to mention they saved the heroes multiple times. But overall, I think he gets way more credit than he deserves. JK Rowling created a very complex, debatable character in Severus Snape that I find really interesting.
Poor bloke. 21 comments
adropintheocean · 11 years ago
I'm ready for the storm of downvotes, but oh well. (In my opinion) it's disgusting how he only wants Lily. Sure, he had a major crush on Lily but to me it just comes off as more of an obsession than love. He joined an organization devoted to slaughtering her kind, and didn't even care about HER happiness. He only wanted her to himself, and didn't care if her only months old son and husband died. He never forgave James for some stupid duels when they were younger, which Snape FOUGHT BACK IN. James saved his life by keeping him away from the Shrieking Shack when Lupin was turning into a werewolf, but Snape still didn't care if he was murdered! And sure, he was trying to protect Harry while he was at Hogwarts The only thing he makes up for is his attitude to HARRY. But what about the others? Neville Longbottom's worst fear in the world was this professor. Snape also bashed on Hermione just for being smart! He instills fear in everyone. Some of his actions can be forgiven, but not all.
Poor bloke. 21 comments
adropintheocean · 11 years ago
I don't agree with this, but people can have their own opinions. No need to argue, right?
Solidarity with Venezuela 13 comments
adropintheocean · 11 years ago
Wow. That's amazing.
Something to think about! 16 comments
adropintheocean · 11 years ago
Everlark is what most people call it. It sounds pretty too.
Solidarity with Venezuela 13 comments
adropintheocean · 11 years ago
Holy guacamole! How many people were protesting?
Meanwhile in peru 11 comments
adropintheocean · 11 years ago
On Christmas!
We are all 6th graders 11 comments
adropintheocean · 11 years ago
Only the seventh grade voice is really acceptable.
A $100 t-shirt 13 comments
adropintheocean · 11 years ago
Should have been $50 for a t-shirt... Limited edition, let's do some addition.
Dam rules 16 comments
adropintheocean · 11 years ago
A random Percy Jackson reference appears!
All the time 8 comments
adropintheocean · 11 years ago
I wonder who they tagged...