Then you "Haha, okay, a thumbs up" 11 comments
· 8 years ago
i'm that person who just doesn't reply back and then feel bad about it, so i start thinking about what should i write and then of course i end up not replying at all.
Total opposite 7 comments
· 8 years ago
i don't know a thing about cars, but if someone would offer to take me or go with me i'd definitely choose that over shopping
Edited 8 years ago
Total opposite 7 comments
· 8 years ago
i mean guys can sit and be on their phones at car shows and girls can also be on their phones when they're out shopping, nobody said it's always like in the picture..
Now we have to find a horse sized duck 4 comments
· 8 years ago
i'm not a scientist, but i'm pretty sure it's probably feeding its foal..?
Edited 8 years ago
One totally useless cat 5 comments
History is not boring 8 comments
· 8 years ago
that's what I was saying, you really got lucky and I'm glad for you. our teacher was the kid of person who made you write down everything he said (usually up to like 6-8 pages) and then without no explaining whatsoever we needed to learn it at home by ourselves. and even if we asked question he always answered with "you have to know this already" and I never quite grasped his logic, because I can't know something I'm just studying (hah, barely). but there was a time I really liked, being the only time we had to search up a particular topic he told us and I've gotten one of my most favorite ones. that was the time I was diligently working on an assignment and then guess what? he never collected it.
Dog on fire 12 comments
· 8 years ago
when you write a letter to santa asking for a puppy but you misspell his name and write "satan" instead
History is not boring 8 comments
· 8 years ago
history is not boring, it's just that teachers tend to make the stories dull and so you won't be interested, and it becomes tedious. i always loved history, but when i got into high school things got real monotone real fast and i wasn't interested anymore.
OH COME ON!!! 20 comments
· 8 years ago
..yeah. i know. and by the way, sorry for misunderstanding the situation.. it may be that i was just looking at the problem by a perspective that wasn't the same as yours. i do agree with you though.
Edited 8 years ago
OH COME ON!!! 20 comments
· 8 years ago
story time: i have a 32 year old sister who has 3 kids and honestly.. her parenting is a mess. his son is the literal example on this topic that if you don't teach or motivate your kid to read - they won't. and what's the worst? she's so stubborn she never lets me help her. i try to get her kids to read, not just to play minecraft (okay, well that's not a bad thing, but only if they don't do that all the time) or watch videos that doesn't make sense even for someone as open minded as me, and she just shuts me down, saying that i should not be telling them what to do, but she never makes them study until there's a big test. it's incredibly annoying because reading is a must-do, there's stuff written everywhere and if they don't read, their life is going to be just about the same as when you buy some kind of ikea furniture and you don't read the instruction (because you know them, oh yes you do) and then end up f*cking it up - like those tests and classes they never study for.
Wait for it 5 comments
OH COME ON!!! 20 comments
· 8 years ago
don't want to stand in the middle of the debate, but in my opinion (!) both of you are right. an educator should be encouraging and inspiring kids to read, but it's all the kids' choice to act on it. i mean if i know that i'm not exactly and expert in reading and my teacher says so - or at least hints on it -, then shouldn't i know better and practice at home? though some of those kids do need to be pushed, others may move better at their own pace.
Mid-terms are coming 4 comments
· 8 years ago
my tip/s for those of you with exams coming: do not overwork yourselves, don't forget to hydrate, try to reward yourself after completing a task (e.g did you read and memorize all those formulas? or did you read that 10 pages you needed to? then it's time to eat that chocolate bar you've been thinking about, buddy) also i used this method when i had to learn a longer text: i read it a couple times and then i wrote it down on a paper, if i forgot something i did it again and it worked for me. or when i needed to learn something from word to word i always had a quick nap after (fyi naps benefit the learning process; meaning they help us take in and retain information) so always have like a 40 minute nap after a longer study session.
Automata 13 comments
· 8 years ago
no, it's a theory developed by charles darwin, otherwise known as "darwinism". the name of the movie is "automata", though.
True 7 comments
· 8 years ago
going to a nightclub doesn't necessarily make you an irresponsible person as long as you don't get yourself wasted - alone.
Loosen your tight ponytail or you'll look like this 1 comments
· 8 years ago
also props to girls who manage to keep their feminine face after putting their hair into a ponytail or bun. i look like li shang every time my hair is up.
I just thought everyone knew how to do this 15 comments
· 8 years ago
not twisting my hair into a towel has definitely helped my hair in the case of frizz and breakage but i guess it depends? but conditioning it and using a wide-toothed comb is definitely a must-use.