

— AlexiG Report User
Goodboi doggo, Uuno, works very hard as a video game developer 5 comments
alexig · 5 years ago
The dog is from Remedy Entertainment, who made Quantum Break, Alan Wake and Max Payne. Uuno isn't from any game, it's just the company testing out different kinds of motion capture.
Ha ha ha. No but seriously. 6 comments
alexig · 5 years ago
He's T-posing to assert his dominance.
Had enough of this shit 13 comments
alexig · 5 years ago
Also, this may just be due to my ignorance, but I personally haven't come across the phrase 'serious gamer' being used to only refer to 4+ hours a day of gaming. In fact, I haven't even heard of anyone playing that much that regularly (though it may happen). People can still play games regularly, be super enthused about them, and be an active part of the videogame community, without dedicating many hours every day to gaming - so the jump from 'adults don't play 4+ hours on work days' to 'adults don't play games' seems a bit tenuous.
Had enough of this shit 13 comments
alexig · 5 years ago
I have no information as to how reliable this source is, so take this with a grain of salt, but: According to the Interactive Games and Entertainment Association in 2016, the average age for an Australian gamer is 33. Also, for all age groups between 5 and 64, more than half of people play games. I don't know how much of this would be mobile games, and this may vary in other countries.
To all gers , I know People say change is Good but sometimes "same" is also 13 comments
alexig · 5 years ago
No, I meant that you don't have to change the word 9gàg much to stop Fubsub autocorrecting it. It isn't a shortcut on your phone, it's Fubsub changing your message. I should have been more clear about that, sorry.
To all gers , I know People say change is Good but sometimes "same" is also 13 comments
alexig · 5 years ago
Huh, so it's fairly easy to get around
To all gers , I know People say change is Good but sometimes "same" is also 13 comments
alexig · 5 years ago
Ok time for some tests
Normal: where
All words: where
Wrong words: nein gag
With spaces: 9 g a g
With dashes: 9-g-a-g
With punctuation: 9&g+a?g
Slight changes 1: 8gig
Slight changes 2: 9geg
Shortened 1: 9g
Shortened 2: 9gg
Accents: 9gàg
To all gers , I know People say change is Good but sometimes "same" is also 13 comments
alexig · 5 years ago
The number one more than eight
The thing that you do to make yourself throw up
To all gers , I know People say change is Good but sometimes "same" is also 13 comments
alexig · 5 years ago
I might be wrong about this, but the title seems to indicate that it was copied from where, with the phrase "where" removed from the title.
F u c k 7 comments
alexig · 5 years ago
It spells "I'm livid". Livid means very angry.
F u c k 7 comments
alexig · 5 years ago
Mayor Cuts Down Man's 30-Year-Old Tree, He Revenges Him In The Best Possible Way 14 comments
alexig · 5 years ago
Thanks @iccarus and @themasssnipe! I need to visit Snopes more (and brush up on my tree biology).
· Edited 5 years ago
Mayor Cuts Down Man's 30-Year-Old Tree, He Revenges Him In The Best Possible Way 14 comments
alexig · 5 years ago
This is probably just me being thick, but I wasn't able to tell that this was fake. What tipped you off about it being made up? Had you just seen it earlier with different details? Or was there some inconsistency in the story?
At a corn maze 7 comments
alexig · 6 years ago
The 'left turns' trick doesn't always work. If the maze has a loop, you might just be going anticlockwise around a small portion of the maze forever.
The obvious solution here is to make only right turns
Beware not to expose your PIN number 7 comments
alexig · 6 years ago
Seems like a case of RAS syndrome.
His GPA 6 comments
alexig · 6 years ago
Thanks! I hadn't heard of that expression before.
His GPA 6 comments
alexig · 6 years ago
I still haven't gotten it. 'Smooth' rhymes with barely anything. No expression has to do with the photo. The guy's jumper doesn't say or mean anything. Is this a reference to some show I haven't seen?
Top ten most alchoholic drinks 21 comments
alexig · 6 years ago
If you're that dedicated, why not just buy pure ethanol?
Which way? 4 comments
alexig · 6 years ago
Or just don't use water at any stage of the process, like me.
"plays on repeat" 24 comments
alexig · 6 years ago
I also quite like the cover from Venetian Snares, which takes the vocals from the Billie Holiday version:
Definitely a different style to the other versions of this song, but still quite good
I excel at excel 1 comments
alexig · 6 years ago
A0? B1? This is not like any version of Excel I know.
Tfw when u get out of grandmas house 6 comments
alexig · 6 years ago
That face when when u get out of grandmas house
American guns 43 comments
alexig · 6 years ago
Yo dawg, I heard you like guns
I-kea? We-all-kea! 4 comments
alexig · 6 years ago
I think you were trying to comment on the post two posts below this one:
Also (in relation to the original post): Though you're right that viruses etc can't be found in handwriting, I'm not sure how that relates to the original post. The view Zach is trying to express is that the baby boomer in question shouldn't be complaining that kids don't know how to write cursive (a skill that serves no purpose nowadays), when that baby boomer themselves can't use a computer effectively (a skill that makes up most of modern life for most people).