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We got any Big Five fans in the house tonight?

We got any Big Five fans in the house tonight?

Talk about an awesome chess-board

Talk about an awesome chess-board

Jennifer Lawrence on the red carpet

Creepy or star-crossed?

Creepy or star-crossed?

Every death in the game of thrones series, tabbed

Every death in the game of thrones series, tabbed

Me during finals week.. and every other week

Me during finals week.. and every other week

I don't know what he was expecting

I don't know what he was expecting

I thought of this after someone questioned me holding the door open for them

I thought of this after someone questioned me holding the door open for them

Skinny snorlax is scary

Skinny snorlax is scary

When my coworkers start rambling on about their kids GIF

When my coworkers start rambling on about their kids
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