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Happy Birthday Funsubstance!

Happy Birthday Funsubstance!

A family friend died after a car crash :(

A family friend died after a car crash :(

Found this review while looking for a new knife

Found this review while looking for a new knife

After getting 2 hours sleep GIF

After getting 2 hours sleep

When all of my ships are either crossovers or non-canon GIF

When all of my ships are either crossovers or non-canon

Bill Nye approves Hidden

Not safe for work

A accurate summary of my wishes in love.

A  accurate summary of my wishes in love.

When trying to look cute around guys. GIF

When trying to look cute around guys.

I can't hear you, America

I can't hear you, America

A real picture of me (well, the other one was real too) Funsubsters

A real picture of me (well, the other one was real too)
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