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As a gay man, when girls bein' flirty looking for free drinks

As a gay man, when girls bein' flirty looking for free drinks

I've done this like 100 times XD GIF

I've done this like 100 times XD

First image of Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

First image of Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Extreme close ups

a fact

a fact

Talk about embarrassing

Talk about embarrassing

This is no time for jokes, Blackadder!

This is no time for jokes, Blackadder!

Rainworks makes rainy days so much better VIDEO

Rainworks makes rainy days so much better

Makes me feel classy

Makes me feel classy

Locked out and no one's home

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