Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light...— allineediswifi Report User
Like seriously 11 comments
· 9 years ago
Dylan O'Brien
Black One The Survivor Of Mars 170 comments
· 9 years ago
Just using all 1st letter (including my 3 middles names) I'd be:
Red Brain Stalker Sword the murderer of Europe/Men/ the stars.... I'm pretty sure I'm winning the stupidest name contest right know
Red Brain Stalker Sword the murderer of Europe/Men/ the stars.... I'm pretty sure I'm winning the stupidest name contest right know
Black One The Survivor Of Mars 170 comments
· 9 years ago
I get really frustrated with these because I have a double-barelled surname and a 'von' in front of it. I don't know which letter to pick!
"What about robots?" 9 comments
Who are you 162 comments
· 9 years ago
I was the Spanish serial killer Manuel Delgado Villegas, also know as 'El Arropiero'. Apparently I've carried out 48 murders in Spain, France and Italy
Every fan fiction ever 14 comments
Say cheese.. 6 comments
· 9 years ago
When you're laying on the beach and your mom decides to take a picture
What the Harry Potter books thought us.. 39 comments
When life just gets out of control 18 comments
The most sacred rule 41 comments
· 9 years ago
garlog- you know that feeling when you have a cut or a wound and there's this crust to help it heal and you know that you shouldn't pick it but you keep on doing it because there this brief moment of satisfaction before it starts to hurt again. That's how you feel when you're in a fandom- that brief moment of pleasure is worth hours of pain
We do love Americans 49 comments
· 9 years ago
It would be interesting to have it the other way around: 15 deadly giveaways that somebody is non-American as told by Americans
My fellow Aussies will know the feeling 42 comments
· 9 years ago
In the Netherlands we eat fairy bread as well - but with chocolate sprinkles. And it's amazing!
Ideal body throughout the years 13 comments
Close your eyes Timmy 16 comments
Italy doesn't trust anyone, not even themselves 18 comments
'Thank you jesus' 11 comments