

Male. Brony

— Allpower1227 Report User
Well done, little fella 2 comments
allpower1227 · 7 years ago
A full 8. Don't go easy on him he'll never learn
Advanced intelligence 8 comments
allpower1227 · 7 years ago
Oh. Read it as "no that's not why 6 was afraid of 7 it's really because....."
Advanced intelligence 8 comments
allpower1227 · 7 years ago
No its cause 7 was a Registered "six"offender
8 · Edited 7 years ago
Just wow.Maries Bourbonas cosplayed Rachnera 12 comments
allpower1227 · 7 years ago
I WOULD NEVer... I may have gone back a few times....
Plz no 2 comments
allpower1227 · 7 years ago
Hehehehe Hungry for pussy
What a genius 2 comments
allpower1227 · 7 years ago
Please tell me you deleted the message before she saw it
Respect to the max 8 comments
allpower1227 · 7 years ago
I'm not racist but it just doesn't fit
3 · Edited 7 years ago
Respect to the max 8 comments
allpower1227 · 7 years ago
how does this have anything to do with equals???
I can be your Damon or your Angle 7 comments
allpower1227 · 7 years ago
no one expects the banana....
Imaginary Friend 15 comments
allpower1227 · 7 years ago
Read the comments
68-year-old prospector finds massive gold nugget worth $222,500 in Australia 5 comments
allpower1227 · 7 years ago
So what is it worth in the rest of the world???
Imaginary Friend 15 comments
allpower1227 · 7 years ago
Oooooo ok the mom pushed him out of the way!!! That makes 3000 times more sense
When you hit him with a left boop! 5 comments
allpower1227 · 7 years ago
You mean LEFT into the kisser
That look of disappointment 3 comments
allpower1227 · 7 years ago
Lol her face in last one
Sounds like a fun kidnap 6 comments
allpower1227 · 7 years ago
Annnd she's fired from her job....
Dad reflexes 3 comments
allpower1227 · 7 years ago
"For the glory of Satan" 6 comments
allpower1227 · 7 years ago
Nice cover but we all know you are sacrificing that child
Mario vs pacman 3 comments
allpower1227 · 7 years ago
The ghosts raped him...
If dinosaurs were dumb 7 comments
allpower1227 · 7 years ago
They dumb cuz they where few years off
Mentally sound 3 comments
allpower1227 · 7 years ago
Days two page is then lost.
You're a wiener, Harry 7 comments
allpower1227 · 7 years ago
Was holding the ruler the wrong way?
In case you forgot 13 comments
allpower1227 · 7 years ago
Ok hit on as in being extra nice.... like asking how there days going with more energy than when I'm with some random person. No I don't say anything sexual But damn I'll bang them if they asked
· Edited 7 years ago
In case you forgot 13 comments
allpower1227 · 7 years ago
I'm a male cashier and i hit on just about every chick that I "checkout" ;)
Accidentaly? 27 comments
allpower1227 · 7 years ago
One ball is smaller then the other so you don't sit on them. The penis is not the problem it's the balls
Accidentaly? 27 comments
allpower1227 · 7 years ago
I look at women and think" wow... there is nothing there..."