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Oh...Chandler 5 comments
alxx · 9 years ago
My favorites were always Chandler and Phoebe.
Finally, a fashion trend I can get behind. 9 comments
alxx · 9 years ago
Wait, I've been gone for a while. What happened to your old account?
*sips tea* Butttt that's none of my business 13 comments
alxx · 9 years ago
This kind of reminds me of all the people who harass and make fun of female porn stars (like saying they must have daddy issues or are whores), but no one ever says anything about all the male porn stars that are in the videos with them. Separate issue, I know, but it reminded me of that.
Finally, a use for selfies. 10 comments
alxx · 9 years ago
Why? Because only ugly people are smart and only attractive people are stupid?
The establishment that sells a winning ticket gets 1 million USD. Wow 16 comments
alxx · 9 years ago
Wasn't it like 3 people who won?
Eye piece 10 comments
alxx · 9 years ago
He/she doesn't have his/her telescope because the female neighbor is using it to masturbate with...
Modern family 27 comments
alxx · 9 years ago
How were they acting like women, though? Liking pink makes you a woman?
Not all hero's wear capes 5 comments
alxx · 9 years ago
Yeah, don't you know? Not all hero is wear capes. Duh.
Kids don't see skin colour when making friends 12 comments
alxx · 9 years ago
These little kids dress better than most of the guys in my high school ever did. Still, this is super cute.
cool. 20 comments
alxx · 9 years ago
What if I can't find a local coke dealer in my city? Is heroin okay?
Just why? 22 comments
alxx · 9 years ago
Honestly, I think it looks really good on some people. Although, neither my nor your opinions really matter; let people wear what they want, yo.
I wish this was a real thing. 2 comments
alxx · 9 years ago
Yeah, it's probably the most common stereotype...
Hypothetically hilarious 8 comments
alxx · 9 years ago
Worth it.
So deep 17 comments
alxx · 9 years ago
This guy definitely knows how to throw a party.
Well that took an unexpected twist 17 comments
alxx · 9 years ago
Yeah, I think it's mostly from lack of communication. If people would actually talk to their significant others about what they like in bed and whether or not they're actually being satisfied, everyone would have a much more fulfilling sex life. Please stop faking your orgasms, people. Just be honest and say "Hey, you're not quite doing it right, but don't worry, we can fix that."
Clothing sizes are just there to put down women! PLEASE LOVE ME LIKE MY PARENTS NEVER DID! 18 comments
alxx · 9 years ago
Right? I think that's what they were talking about, but took it to an extreme level. The shirt says "you can't weigh beauty" but it's only available for smaller women. I completely understand why that would be frustrating.
Works either way 5 comments
alxx · 9 years ago
My thoughts exactly. Neither is really a good lesson. And why would you want to teach your son to get rich so he can essentially "buy a wife"? Not really the best parenting, if you ask me.
At this point feminism is dead and it's become a synonym for misandry 146 comments
alxx · 9 years ago
Lol, wait, so you're all gung-ho for preaching "all lives matter" but then suggest "kill the rapist"? Oh, the hypocrisy. But in reality, neither of our opinions matter because abortion is currently legal, and that's not going to change.
We've all been in similar situations lads. 15 comments
alxx · 9 years ago
Lmao, maybe it has to do with your lack of boobs and vagina?
At this point feminism is dead and it's become a synonym for misandry 146 comments
alxx · 9 years ago
Okay, so what if the baby has a deformity and is guaranteed to be dead within 2 years and in those 2 years is guaranteed to have a miserable and painful life? You want the mother to go through 9 months of agony only to watch their child die within the first couple of years of their life? What if the pregnancy will not only hurt the baby but also the mother? What if the mother can't afford to raise a child? Sure, adoption is an option, but have you ever put a child up for adoption? Do you know how hard that would be? Can you guarantee that the child will have a better life with their adopted family? What if the woman is raped? You think she should be forced to have her rapists child? Not every abortion is simply because a woman decided to be an asshole and not /want/ their baby. Every situation is different, and sometimes abortion IS the answer. As for the father having a say in it, as long as the father is a significant part of the woman's life, I completely agree.
We've all been in similar situations lads. 15 comments
alxx · 9 years ago
Lmao, and then there's the girls locker room where titties are flying everywhere and no one gives a shit. xD
This girl's sense of humor is far ahead of her age. 5 comments
alxx · 9 years ago
Yeah, I saw this somewhere else with this title. I didn't realize it was a repost nor did I feel like changing the title. I'm sorry.
Love letters 11 comments
alxx · 9 years ago
That first one though. xD
Zodiac: Day 12. What do you do when the world ends? 24 comments
alxx · 9 years ago
Lmao, it's true though.