Winter wonderland 5 comments
· 9 years ago
Yes, that's the one it is. Thank you.
Winter wonderland 5 comments
Cara 6 comments
Well.. Can't disagree 30 comments
· 9 years ago
Why was this comment left on a post that was clearly about domestic violence? Seems inappropriate, if you ask me.
Waltz like it's 1698 32 comments
· 9 years ago
I actually think some guys look good with a man bun...
*prepares to get shot through the Internet*
*prepares to get shot through the Internet*
So close... 11 comments
· 9 years ago
...they're not even having sex/in a sexual position nor is this post even remotely about anything sexual. Always looking for a way to start shit, huh?
On my way to f**k your b*tch 4 comments
The pageant in a nutshell 11 comments
· 9 years ago
Why, timebender25? It's not like anyone is getting shitty with him about it. It's just a joke.
feminism again 36 comments
· 9 years ago
Looking cool? When have I ever said that? And that's what you call fun? You must be one sad person then. Laugh for once, dude. Take a fucking break from your anti-everything crusade.
Edited 9 years ago
feminism again 36 comments
· 9 years ago
Lmao, it makes me laugh that you're always complaining about "feminists" saying they don't do anything when you do just as much as they do. Like for real, dude, what the fuck do you do aside from spend all you time searching tumblr and the Internet for anti-feminism posts? For someone who hates feminism so much you seem to be more obsessed with feminism than actual feminists.
feminism again 36 comments
· 9 years ago
Oh my god. Is this all you do in your free time? That's literally all your posts are about. Dude.
Ho ho ho b*tches 8 comments
· 9 years ago
I never said you were. I've just noticed that any time someone posts something about Trump you never seem to just take the joke for what it is and move on, you always feel the need to give a rundown of every single other candidate in the running. It makes you seem really touchy and defensive about Trump. Idk, just seems weird to me. Let a joke be a joke. We're all aware of the pros and cons of the other candidates.
Ho ho ho b*tches 8 comments