"Be the kind of change you want to see in the world." 4 comments
· 8 years ago
Someone did this in my town and it got fixed immediately. They guy who did it was very detailed in his work lol
On second thought... 5 comments
Everyone deserves a holiday 16 comments
· 8 years ago
Here in Oklahoma they usually give time and a half to everyone on Black Friday. We're typically nicer to our employees tho
Everyone deserves a holiday 16 comments
Everyone deserves a holiday 16 comments
· 8 years ago
I just wish we hadn't lost our values when it comes to holidays. When I was little Black Friday was "SO MUCH FUN" but now if I even want some sort of deal I have to go at 3pm on fucking thanksgiving. No way. It'S getting bad. Open at midnight like what it used to be
Is it right or wrong? 13 comments
· 8 years ago
I think it's perfectly fine. There are shelters to go to and ways for them to get off the street. I've worked with several shelters in the past and the only rules are they can't drink, do drugs, or commit any more crimes while they are living in the shelter. And they have to do 1 job at the shelter a day to keep their place there. So yeah. I'm okay with it if you want to deter homeless people from staying on your property.
Edited 8 years ago
Florida, the professionals. 16 comments
· 8 years ago
The electoral college is determined by the counties and then the points from the electoral college are split after the whole state has tallied up. If you look at the map with the Counties filled in and not just the state then you would notice that trump won by a landslide.
this is so sad y'all 136 comments
this is so sad y'all 136 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm so tired of being grouped up as "racist, homophobic, white middle class" when it comes to me supporting Trump. DO NOT TELL ME I AM INTOLERABLE when you have no idea who the real supporters are that don't get covered about on news channels because we don't need to cause shit with other people. To shove down MY throat that I am the racist person is obnoxious. I don't think every Hillary supporter is like all of the other crazies. We all have crazy ones in the group. And it's time everyone wakes up and realizes that. I am not like the crazy ones.
this is so sad y'all 136 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm a trump supporter, but I don't support everyone who acts that way or tolerates it. People are extreme and go extraordinary distances that are uncalled for. It'S unfortunate that any one from either party has to suffer the consistencies of extreme followers. Wether I agree with you or not, that doesn't give me a right to assault you. I hope to God that people that do this shit get thrown in jail for what they've done and the hurt they've caused everyone. I don't like being represented by people like this.
No ones happy. 22 comments
· 8 years ago
Actually several news casts took the same about of democrats and repulblicans and asked them who they were voting for from each state and 85% were voting for trump. Juuuust saying
Anonymous always telling it like it is 22 comments
· 8 years ago
Oh yes. Because all the votes Trump got were STRICTLY white middle class men...thanks for giving me a laugh for the day and thank you for proving that you're being a racist ass bastard. Yeah. Racism works both ways people.
This tickles me 7 comments
· 8 years ago
If you can't sit through a president you don't support like everyone else has done for the past 8 years then I have no respect for you and bye. Go. I hope you never come back.
this is so sad y'all 19 comments
· 8 years ago
When you assassinate the only good thing going for this country *rolls eyes* I c any wait till all of you grow up and actually have to dip your foot into read world politics.
this is so sad y'all 19 comments
Poor Uber driver 12 comments
Respecting nature 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Lol to when the trees destroy the house in a natural disaster.
Edited 8 years ago
lying ass whale 61 comments
· 8 years ago
Fuck you ambertek. You're that little bitch that always tells people to kill themselves. Why don't you get blocked off of this site already? You're the reason why people think social media is bad.
This is the best pope 36 comments
· 8 years ago
First off: being called a Christian was actually offensive in bible times. They were called Believers.
Second: the holy trinity makes up God. We don't worship 3 things, we worship one.
Third: a true believer shows unconditional love and follows God's commands. And one of those commands is gathering as a church to worship him.
Fourth: church is not a building. Believers are the church and body of Christ. So if we gather in a church building or a walmart we are still worshipping God like he asked.
I know this post was forever ago but I felt compelled to share.
Second: the holy trinity makes up God. We don't worship 3 things, we worship one.
Third: a true believer shows unconditional love and follows God's commands. And one of those commands is gathering as a church to worship him.
Fourth: church is not a building. Believers are the church and body of Christ. So if we gather in a church building or a walmart we are still worshipping God like he asked.
I know this post was forever ago but I felt compelled to share.
lying ass whale 61 comments
· 8 years ago
I would have been the person in the background yelling, "shut the fuck up! im trying to eat! No one cares."
I'm severely disabled 18 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm just saying, this week parents deserve to be treated first if they're trying to have a child for their family. It isn't really a good idea to have a child single. AND BEFORE ANYONE LOSES THEIR SHIT I'm not bashing single parents. Most single parents don't have their child intending on being single. I'm more so saying you shouldn't want to be a single parent on purpose just for the child's sake.