From New Zealand, fourteen years old. I'm blonde and hate blonde stereotypes, but I tend to use them as excuses lol.— MyNameWasStolen Report User
Cars 3 11 comments
· 9 years ago
There's also The Incredibles 2 and FInding Dory.
Oh No He Didn't 17 comments
· 9 years ago
pegleg, other problems such as: ISIS, world hunger, global warming, and even minor things like going to bringing home money in order to eat. I think we don't need to be worrying about some gay bullshit when we have other things to take care of.
Oh No He Didn't 17 comments
· 9 years ago
I can't imagine the dislikes I'll get because I don't support "gay pride" If the Bachelor doesn't want gays on the show, then so be it. WHO FCKING CARES? Is it your life? no. Is it my life? no. They're allowed to have no gays. And their reason, is perfectly fine with me. Quit winging, you eggplants, and go and look at real problems.
Takei win 8 comments
· 9 years ago
But if you're in a marriage, gay or not, you're probably gonna have sex so.... gay marriage is then wrong to Christians.
"You don't need this, fatty" 47 comments
· 9 years ago
Rihanna wasn't bullying... Maybe this kid did need motivation from a celeb - one of her favorite celebs for that matter - because if she's got a snickers or something, her parents aren't helping her by taking it away/buying it for her.
A guy like you 6 comments
A guy like you 6 comments
· 9 years ago
That's so true. I'm going to admit, as a female, that we would rather date someone hotter, and than someone smart. (Especially in our teen years.) We're a selfish race when it comes to dating, and even if we know a guy who is smart, funny, loyal, we'll always leave them at the sidelines because the popular guy of the school is way hotter. It's sad, it's reality, but there isn't much we can do about it.
Amelia's Weekly Quotes #6 :) 6 comments
Has anyone actually ever been to a Denny's? 29 comments
· 9 years ago
We've got Deeny's in New Zealand and the only time I've been there was one in the morning. Last time tho, it was 5/
*Raises hand* 31 comments
Topical 20 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm glad she and her husband (I think) were fired. They've now left NZ for England. Thank god.
Education in Sweden 28 comments
· 10 years ago
I agree with Guest. Were I am from, it doesn't snow much - And I love the snow! I'm all up to go to Sweden right now.
Clearest H20 in the world 12 comments
Clearest H20 in the world 12 comments
· 10 years ago
So proud, I'm a "kiwi" and like yeah... Though I haven't visited Blue Lake before.