I use animal gifs (and sometimes pictures) for everything on this account :)
— AnimalGifs Report User
When school is over 2 comments
· 9 years ago
That moment you realize you bullshitted your way through half of high school.
This is so true it hurts 5 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm still dwelling on something stupid I did 5 years ago… so yes, it goes on for the majority of your life.
Syrian child trying to protect his sister from bombing 21 comments
· 9 years ago
I really hope that's not the case. The photographer could've also been taking cover and decided to snap the picture, though.
Syrian child trying to protect his sister from bombing 21 comments
· 9 years ago
Either way, he's protecting her from something and that is enough to ignite emotion in someone. I assume that's the purpose of this post?
A 3D printed save button 25 comments
Damn crazy designers - Split 3 comments
· 9 years ago
This made me mildly dizzy but like brainsandbeauty said, totally worth it.
Considering the rush of all the police brutality videos 14 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm sorry for assuming you're biased, but please understand that when I engage in a conversation where one person only expresses their thoughts on one side of the topic, I automatically assume things. I agree, if it's enough to stop them then they aren't fit for the job. Which is why, in some cases, they resign and possibly move. I partially agree with your last sentence, however, I think the corrupt officers and those who knew and did nothing should be the only ones to get punished. Those who are not incompetent and, for any perfectly logical reason, didn't know should be left unpunished. There is always the possibility that another officer could've become suspicious and tried to do something about it but got unlawfully suspended, resulting in others not knowing who to report it to and the corrupted to continue.
Considering the rush of all the police brutality videos 14 comments
· 9 years ago
They aren't necessarily corrupt like those who are if they're being blackmailed. They could just have an embarrassing past that they don't want to be made of for. Corrupt officers could also threaten to hurt them (but usually a weak member of their family) if they don't stay quiet if they don't have anything. Other officers might not know about it because corrupt officers could easily cover it up if they have the ability or the corrupt officer could've been an amazing officer in the past resulting in another corrupt officer (who could only be corrupt for helping) covering it up to keep a good image. There are multiple possibilities that could result in nothing being done. Yes, the whole department could be corrupt or they, or at least most, could just be incompetent shitheads that need to be replaced. Those are not the only options though. To be honest, I'm starting to think that you only hear/read what is covered the most in the media and not the good things that are rarely shown.
Considering the rush of all the police brutality videos 14 comments
· 9 years ago
They are corrupt if they know about it but don't do anything, unless they are being blackmailed into keeping quiet. If they don't know at all, they are not corrupt and shouldn't be blamed for not stopping something they didn't know was even happening.
Edited 9 years ago
Considering the rush of all the police brutality videos 14 comments
· 9 years ago
The non-corrupt officers don't let it happen on purpose. They could be blackmailed into keeping quiet, they don't know it's happening, or they are corrupt as well.
Considering the rush of all the police brutality videos 14 comments
· 9 years ago
The only cops that abuse their power are the ones that are corrupt. There is "more" of it because the corrupt officers are abusing their power more frequently and people are filming it. NOT ALL COPS ARE CORRUPT THOUGH. It makes me mad when people blame all cops for the actions of a few.
graduation cap 7 comments
My anthem... 9 comments
· 9 years ago
*wonders if Tara ever went through this in the beginning* probably not
Edited 9 years ago
graduation cap 7 comments
· 9 years ago
I wish they would allow it. Imagine what Rick's cap would look like though xD
FunSubstance User Leaderboard for November 65 comments
· 9 years ago
I was on shuffle and just now came across this post... I should've ran but oh well, it was fun while it lasted :)
Edited 9 years ago
You'll Never Be Alone 6 comments
And her music isn't trashy like Nicki Minaj 134 comments