Me last night lol 10 comments
· 8 years ago
Me rn. It's like 4:30AM where I live and I haven't slept a wink
Wtf is this? How are you supposed to eat it? 23 comments
· 8 years ago
im guessing these thins aren available in the US, its called a 'marvelous creation' its a block of chocolate that is filled with various candies. this one it seems would be, pop-rocks, Jelly beans and M&M's. there is also one with Marshmallow and cookie crumbs, one with coca-cola popping candy and toffee apple chewy stuff.
Fire in the sky. Amazing 1 comments
I'm a B and I'm a Dude 56 comments
· 8 years ago
double dang is so annoying. i legit cant find a nice bra or bikini that doesn't have padding, when will the clothing industry realise I DO NOT NEED PADDING
Suicide 68 comments
· 8 years ago
I don't think I could ever off myself, but if a car was coming towards me at a high speed I don't think I'd move away.
Choose one 34 comments
Got my tickets for tonight! Woohoo! 47 comments
Got my tickets for tonight! Woohoo! 47 comments
· 9 years ago
I've already seen it, i went to a VIP screening last week. you guys its SO FUCKING GOOD! EVERYONE NEEDS TO SEE IT OMG
At least they didn't feel the bern. 45 comments
· 9 years ago
as a confused australian: why does america hate Obama so much? he has done so much good for your country, he helped make gay marriage legal, he's working for fix your crazy gun laws and he introduced obama care. from what ive heard, americans hate obama care, FREE HEALTHCARE PEOPLE. you guys are so confusing, you say you want change to happen with things youre not happy about but when it does youre still not happy?
At least they didn't feel the bern. 45 comments
· 9 years ago
honestly this is really stupid. if the people love him, if he is doing good things for the country there should not be term limits. what if someone like donald trump comes along and fucks everything up?
I've never done it, have you? 7 comments
· 9 years ago
As someone who plays this sport, yup that's exactly it. It's so refreshing.
This is just so, so important 18 comments
· 9 years ago
*gets hit by a car*
"It's your own fault you don't know how to protect yourself"
"It's your own fault you don't know how to protect yourself"
They agreed! 11 comments
Chill satan 5 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah this Viking guy found Iceland and was like 'Brooo this place is the shit, it's fuckin awesome'
'But we can't tell the other guys about it I don't wanna share'
*goes back home*
'How was the new land?'
'Pretty shit, it's all ice and you can't grow or settle anything there. But you know what's /really/ nice? The place next door, bigger too, go have fun'
'But we can't tell the other guys about it I don't wanna share'
*goes back home*
'How was the new land?'
'Pretty shit, it's all ice and you can't grow or settle anything there. But you know what's /really/ nice? The place next door, bigger too, go have fun'
Yea, I'm really funny. 1 comments
When my little sister complains about too much homework in highschool while I´m at college 40 comments
· 9 years ago
As an Australian student interested in studying on a sports scholarship in the US, it has been proven through comparison of the average year 12 exam that a B grade average in AUS is equal to an A grade average in the US
When my little sister complains about too much homework in highschool while I´m at college 40 comments
· 9 years ago
When your brother in year 5 complains about homework when you're in year 11
Lost a bet to a guy in a chiffon skirt... 21 comments
Ryan Higa for president! 4 comments
· 9 years ago
I can't watch this yet because I'm in class but I'm liking it anyway because He doesn't even need to say anything, he'd be a better fit for president that 95% of the US population